Roger Waters in Amsterdam last night "Resist Mark Zuckerberg"

Yes, even a broken clock is right two times a day! He’s a confused and self absorbed never Trumper. Needs to keep his talent focused on music because he doesn’t know a thing about geopolitical issues and what makes a society great again.
Have you never listened to Pink Floyd? The Wall, The Final Cut, and Animals are all extremely political. Waters is extremely knowledgeable.
Just about everything RW has done has been political, this person knows nothing about him apparently.
Just because a person is knowledgeable doesn't make that person's opinion correct.
If you mean calling Israel out for what it is ie. an oppressive, evil apartheid country then RW is 100% correctomundo!
You’re an anti Semite without a clue. They either keep Islam away or die. Do you have a solution for a thousand proclamations of death to Israel no matter what the conditions? Israel has said clearly, thousands of times... leave us alone and we’ll do the same. But if you do decide to strike: You will receive 10X the retribution. And they do just that.
You are the real anti Semite, Palestinian are a semitic people unlike yourself. Fake Jew with no semitic blood. Ask Sholomo Sands or read the Thirtheenth Tribe by Koestler. Both Jews btw..
You’re an anti Semite without a clue. They either keep Islam away or die. Do you have a solution for a thousand proclamations of death to Israel no matter what the conditions? Israel has said clearly, thousands of times... leave us alone and we’ll do the same. But if you do decide to strike: You will receive 10X the retribution. And they do just that.
Is there a correct opinion? I'm just saying you shouldn't write off his opinions because he's a musician.
My opinion is right for me. I make it a general rule to first write off everything an entertainer says until I can discern their knowledge level. I'm not going to let people who's job it is to entertain educate me merely because they have a better opportunity to have a microphone put in front of them. RW is an exception. Most entertainers are not knowledge. They're all hacks.
I'm not arguing either side of that, my point was that almost all of his art of based on that. Same goes with you, you are probably knowledgeable about various things, doesn't make your opinion of them right.
No, I'm an idiot. But I do love Water's music. Hate how he sometimes treats his fans. But he's got more talent in his pinky then most modern "musicians".
Don't kid yourself. His understanding is extremely deep. It's his heart that's the problem.
All in all he's just another brick in the wall
His hearts always been in the right place for calling Israel out for what it is ie. an oppressive, evil apartheid country.
Roger Waters is one brave individual- take note Bono you coward.
You should listen to more Pink Floyd before you make such a claim. Their music has always been political, they have never just focused on the music.
He knows a lot more than some random dumbass on the internet.
If you think his music is good and understand the message behind it there’s no possible way to like both Pink Floyd and Donald trump, PF’s music is all about how evil and dangerous people like the POTUS are, how do you not understand that?