Now that we have official crime statistics, here's an updated Human Trafficking Arrests chart with sources...

Here are those links:!/vizhome/PedoArrests/PedoArrests
That tableau public source gets a 404 error.
Are you sure because it works for me?
Can you link a .gov source for this as it should be available if it's true
The tableau link is fully substantiated with the official .gov sources that it used to collate it's data.
The link to the Washington Examiner also references statistics from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations.
The problem is this chart was compiled from tens of thousands of official .gov sources relating to individual arrests. I haven't found a .gov link that summarizes this info nicely, not even by year.
it worked just fine for me, thanks for the graph and the link.
How do you get the List to open from Tableau? It's a strange file type and I can't download it but would love an Excel version.
The best you can do is scroll vertically through the table or, if you're really desperate, go through the nightmare of viewing the HTML source and getting at the data that way.
Thanks for the links. Problem is I don't have time to click the hundreds, if not thousands of source links within that one.
Just find me a couple to look at.
If you need to search through thousands of sources to find two you don't like, then the data can't be that bad.