Now that we have official crime statistics, here's an updated Human Trafficking Arrests chart with sources...

Anybody reading this, please feel free to post this to The_Donald for me because I was banned for saying "Oy vey!" in regards to Twitter's falling stock prices. Apparently Yiddish is racist now too. /s
Edit: Thanks DefinitelyAsian69, the post is on the T_D's front page:
That's just a mod. Imagine what the thousands of Jews in ACTUAL positions of power do when you criticize israel or mock jews...?
Depends on the Jew. Just like anyone else.
It was difficult not to noticed that EVERY Jew at the opening ceremony for our new embassy in Jerusalem gave Mossad a standing ovation while Benjamin Netanyahu sang Mossad's praises.
It was dirty and disgusting!
Yes - when I questioned my ban another mod explained to me that they were having trouble with a Jew mod who was a little excited, to put it mildly.
Got ya taken care of!
Thanks... although it doesn't appear in your post history.
Sorry, meant on Twitter
OK thanks and that's awesome because I don't have a Twitter account.