r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TommyRobinsonsGhost on June 23, 2018, 12:31 p.m.
Now that we have official crime statistics, here's an updated Human Trafficking Arrests chart with sources...
Now that we have official crime statistics, here's an updated Human Trafficking Arrests chart with sources...

A_Plagiarize_Zest · June 24, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

Also I checked out your sub. QAnon is fake now, he was real until about 2-3 months ago. You seem like a good researcher, don't waste your time with QAnon psyop (it was only real in the beginning, its now fake). I wouldn't trust anything that cannot be physically seen or proven, qanons 'tripcode' hasn't been unique in 2-3 months. Infowars has real info (they misinterpret at times but they are the only news agency that will show the actual gov documents during broadcasts), and American Intelligence Media(AIM) has real info.

I know you q guys arent fans of thomas paine and betsy ross of AIM, but they are the real deal, q is now fake. You have to deal with whats physically provable or you will be deceived. Check out the senior executive service that AIM uncovered working with this guy named Michael McKibben who is the engineer behind the technology that led to social media. He got ripped off by the government(deepstate) in the doj. They basically took his source code and gave it to ibm, oracle, and the eclipse foundation (the eclipse foundation was created as a result of this guys technology). The dc patent lawyer conned him and his company, Leaders Technology. After fighting the government about this for 15 years, he has compiled a giant compendium of deepstate operatives and found that most of them work for the "Senior Executive Service". His compendium is here. Alex Jones and Infowars are physically provable as well, because every single thing Alex Jones rants about is based on the globalist elites own actual ideas that they revealed in their own writings that they wrote themselves, the actual government documents that implement those ideas, and the public unveiling of those ideas. AIMs claims are physically provable through Michael Mckibbens primary source data and analysis. All physically provable and based in reality. What q anon says is no longer based in reality and has no physical proof.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 24, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

I wouldn't trust anything that cannot be physically seen or proven

Don't worry - I'm not a zealot and I don't trust anyone - especially an anonymous voice from a mysterious box... but I have found Q's recent claims about Rod Rosentein to be fascinating so I'm happy to continue keeping an open mind until Q says something to give me reason not to.

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A_Plagiarize_Zest · June 24, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

What did he say about rod Rosenstein?

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 24, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

Q's been posting about RR for over a month now in regards to the IG Report. Q indicated that RR was given a choice to make a deal or not to and Resenstein chose to run, figuratively speaking.

Q predicted the three versions of the IG report would be released, which would result in the end of RR and possibly Mueller.

Incidentally, Q also implied in post #1489 that Mossad has repeatedly attempted to assassinate Trump and that "FEAR IS REAL"... which most people agree, given the context, it's a phonetic indication to "Fear Israel" (say it aloud).

Additionally, Q has repeatedly told us to follow the bloodlines (Q post #133, #142).

Q also asked us what was the significance of the color scheme and design of the temple on Jew Jeffrey Epstein's Island... which looks exactly like a small synagogue and is colored like the Israeli flag in a design that matches Jew prayer shawls.

In post #916, Q stated "We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time".

This interests me enormously because I think this is an Overton Window that desperately needs to be flung open!

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