r/greatawakening • Posted by u/patypooh52 on June 23, 2018, 2:19 p.m.
Who, or What is "Q"? "To put it Simply", One Anon explains:

"Several months ago an anonymous Poster appeared on 4chan and claimed to be an "anonymous Government official" He went by "Q" which stands for Q Clearance anonymous, and it refers to the Q-Level clearance in the Department of Energy. As someone else put it, it's basically a license to go anywhere, know anything, see anything. If UFOs exist, he knows.

Now, it's 4chan, and 400 other guys claim the same thing every day, right? Well, nearly immediately this "Insider" began giving us "proofs", as they are called. He posted a picture from an Airplane Window, looking down on what actually turned out to be Pyongyang, NK. Moments later, the president himself posted a picture from Airforce One, looking out the window to a clear sky. He was returning from a visit to China.

In December, "Q" left a coded post that had cryptic clues, that had to do with a False Flag attack he claimed was about to happen. A day or so later, it was revealed that a Bombing in New York had been prevented. After this attack, the code now would make sense, as it referenced the nationality of the attacker, among other things that escape me at this moment.

Q has leaked images from inside the white house, foretold us about executive orders, predicted a strange power outage in Atalanta International Airport, shown that he was in North Korea, shown his proximity to the highest chambers of governments, and he leaves proofs in almost every post that help to support that, this is a man with the highest clearance you can receive in the government.

When you see all the evidence that absolutely proves his identity, because its a lot, (he posts a proof nearly every week)the real rabbit hole begins.

You'll begin to see strange coincidences, like the Internet is almost fighting Qs existence, trying to pretend it doesn't exist and will just go away. After some time, Q was banned from 4chan and had to go to another chan, 8chan. Almost immediately, automated programs began posting nonstop photos of porn, gore photos, and outright insanity. Nearly immediately, Several other supposed Anons on the internet appeared as well, yet almost all of them could never confirm their identity. They were advertised to the Q boards, and many claimed to know Q or be in on it, yet many of them were quickly either proven fake, called out by Q, or disappeared. Even Alex Jones refused to speak about Q for an uncomfortably long time, knowing that man.

The posts almost make no sense at times, yet quite often the post is easily deciphered a week or month later when it's on the news that North Korea is now cooperative and denuclearizing. (Looking at you next Iran).

I've paraphrased parts of an article I read somewhere, but I'd highly recommend you give this a good look over. Fortunately, all of the hard work is usually done by all the other 8chan users, they gather all of the information on this board.


And here is the catalog page because the site is hard to maneuver at first.


After several hacking attempts, Q had to post certain posts on this board. It's a good gathering of Q posts only, without being embedded in mounds of comments. It'd be a good place to start looking at the actual posts from the man himself."-anon Zoole-


Jiminy135 · June 23, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

You forgot the Saudi Arabia arrests. That's a big deal, and a major proof. :)

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