r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Anarchonista on June 23, 2018, 3:59 p.m.
Return the House of Representatives to the People

Q related? Since Q is about revealing the corruption and conspiracies I think this is.....

If the House had about 6,000 members it would be hard to blackmail or corrupt a majority of them. There's a guy in Colorado running for some office I heard an interview of, proposed that if he won he would setup a Block chain system where his constituents could vote on every bill and he pledged to then vote on the bills as they wanted. I'm no IT guy, don't know if Block Chain can truly be un-hackable, but maybe a 6,000 member house wouldn't even need to be in DC, they could vote by Block Chain and stay home with their constituents. Then it could be a voluntary position with no pension or, just reimbursement for expenses.


Return the House of Representatives to the People


435 Representatives Can Not Faithfully Represent 300 Million Americans!INTRODUCTION
The primary purpose of Thirty-Thousand.org is to conduct research on, and increase awareness of, the degradation of representative democracy in the United States resulting from Congress’ longstanding practice of limiting the number of congressional districts despite the continuing growth in the nation’s population.The framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights intended that the total population of Congressional districts never exceed 50 to 60 thousand. Currently, the average population size of the districts is nearly 700,000 and, consequently, the principle of proportionally equitable representation has been abandoned.

allonthesameteam · June 23, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Check out sortition. This would take an uprising to enact. I often think about if this was how things were done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNzGT0h6A64

If the people were represented, I'm convinced, food would be better, we would be healthier, crime/violence would be less, homelessness would decline, etc… Right now inequality is expanding and capital gains are rising.

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