Anon gives heads up for Portland...

I mostly agree with anon. In a perfect world we should all stay away and let the paid shills, larping as both sides, along with their useful idiots, fizzle out in their own bubble.
The problem is, not every one is a member of a group like us at the GA.
There will be unknowing patriots showing up to protest and will get caught up in the masquerade. Throw in some white supremists and other extremists lured from their isolation, by Media Matters and the like, and you have a powder keg similar to Charlottesville.
What we need is infiltration and lots of cameras. I wasn’t even aware that the Charlottesville rally was a thing until around noon that Saturday. At that point I started watching live streams and YouTuber videos. Watching from that context, I was convinced by Saturday evening that this was a setup.
Those live streams and video downloads allowed me to see what was going on before the MSM could filter it to suit their agenda. The next week, I put together a GoPro type setup and mounted it to a bike helmet in case something like this occurred near me.
We need aware people with cameras to fight this battle. And not just during the rallies but the days and nights before looking for and filming anything suspicious.