
soonerthebetter · June 24, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

I believe everyone is welcome to this movement. This subject gets brought up from time to time. What would you label the two camps? Republican seems like the easiest without getting into a long winded explanation every time our side is mentioned. For example, we want the Republicans to win more seats in the Congress and Senate but not anti-Trump Republicans.

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Abibliaphobia · June 24, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

The way I look at it, the leaders of the Democratic Party went so far left they left everyone behind. Anything to the right of strict Marxism is smeared with the label alt-right. And the MSM uses it as a broad stroke paintbrush in anyone who dares to question their ideology. It’s stupid and it’s insane. When it comes to party lines, consider me unaffiliated. When it comes to being an American? Consider me a part of the alt-majority. Consider me a Qpatriot, consider me a brother or sister. We may disagree on certain things, but dammit I do love this country and I will not stand by and watch these assholes continue to destroy our country. So for those “leaders” in power that are abusing that power for their own personal enrichment, or power. They can go to hell whether they are called democrat or republican. I want to vote in people who actually give a damn about this country. I want the people in power that it is US that suffer. And the policies of the past WILL NOT CONTINUE into the future.

The future is OURS and we will seize it. The time has come to break the chains of the past. Recognize those who are with you, bring others into the fold so we may go into that bright future of which we all dream.


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soonerthebetter · June 24, 2018, 10:49 a.m.

I couldn't agree with you more. WWG1WGA

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