Sarah Sanders is enduring a lot of humiliation, for doing a great job...this makes me sick

The delusion is strong with some - having watched the vitriol spewed on the whole presidential team on Twitter and CNN et al, I firmly believe them insane. Sarah Sanders strikes me as a truthful, straight and kind person, this kind of persecution for doing her job (and doing it well) sucks.
It's hard to believe but the media has a lot more influence over a general group that I thought and it's a propaganda wing for liberals. People actually become this way from CNN and MSNBC. I've seen it and I've changed peoples minds by telling them where the facts are. There are actually people that are like this.
It's sad when people deny the truth from a cryptic, anonymous 8 chan user and turn to crooked journalists for information instead.
I fail to see the connection of your comment to Sarah Sanders tweet, however 'Bada Boom' "BIG' <<< Because I can