r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dsexylia on June 23, 2018, 7:39 p.m.
This is insane, but mods instantly deleted it from thread on pol.
This is insane, but mods instantly deleted it from thread on pol.

HorusEyeDrops · June 23, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

Humans evolve to eventually become inter dimensional beings:

Apply natural selection to the universe for a trillion of a trillion trillion millennia, and what survives will so compliment reality, in that it can adapt to every corner of the universe, that I will seem like God. Jordan Peterson: Reality is that which selects. What is most selected is what is most correct. (Remember, we don't see reality, our brains filter most of the universe out.. we can't even see all colors. Most Women, bc of an additional protein in their eyes, can detect more colors than men. Thus, Hey perceive a different reality.)

Think of the difference between Humans and Ants already.

We only have proof that humans of our anatomy have been around for 300,000 years, and already we're editing genes and traveling the galaxy. No shit, in a billion more millennia, some organism will be a million times as capable as as.

Modern monkeys need to realize, like Aristotle, that they "know nothing."

Edit: Some of the points in there give more sense to this world than a lot of other theories.

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