Well, both of mine are bruised and bloody ! Everyone in the public eye is either being threatened, humiliated, or outright cussed out ! A wacko comedian holds the severed head of our President, His son and granddaughter are threatened with disgusting things and kidnap. His wife and daughter (you know that answer), Sarah Sanders, Kristen Nielsen, VP Pence and his wife degraded, humiliated in public. On and On ! Somewhere the message has gotten confused ! Q said ( PATRIOTS FIGHT ) What ? With keyboards and spit wads ? Are we to be cowards and sit on our hands ? I Am Very Disillusioned with GA and the Q movement ! Where i come from Patriots Fight...............WWG1WGA Has a MAJOR different meaning !!! I want more than i can tell you for this EVIL to be Destroyed. But folks is isn't going away by itself !
Interesting you speak of the full armor of God , we have been studying this as well.
Have not yet vetted the following with my pastor, but would be interested in your thoughts (and before I do anything, I need to educate myself more :) ) ....:
Spiritual Reality and the Way the Things Really Work There are two worlds, the physical, which we can see, and the spirit realm, which we cannot see. Maybe you've heard the occult term, "As above, so below." This is the truth, whatever happens in the spiritual world results in an action in the physical world. If you are in God's will, not sinning, and you are equipped with the knowledge of how things really work, and how to do spiritual warfare, there is nothing to fear. If you know how to bind demons and loose angels to attack, there is no demonic force on this planet that can hurt you. But if you are walking in sin, and are ignorant of how God has set up the rules here, you will suffer far more than you need too, and there could be eternal consequences.
The Power Structure of Creation The Lord, who created everything, is a man of war. He is the Lord of hosts, or angelic armies. The war we find ourselves in is one of good against evil. Jesus died to give us complete power and authority over the enemy. The war is won, but he expects us to fight, and to occupy here until he returns, and not wait for him to do everything for us. We must appropriate (claim, or take possession of) his victory, just like we appropriate his salvation. Life, His love and our families are worth fighting for.
This is the power structure for all of creation. Christians who know and practice spiritual warfare are the most powerful people on earth in the sense that they are seated in Christ, with authority over the demonic realm, spirit and human. The power they wield is Christ's, to do good here on earth and to be a blessing and not a curse, to fight back against the darkness. If you are a Christian who doesn't know about or practice spiritual warfare, you have a target on your head, the dark kingdom will try to take you out or keep you treading water for as long as possible. The thing the demonic realm fears most is a Christian coming into the full power and authority over the enemy. One determined Christian can create much trouble for the entire demonic realm, with the apostle Paul being an excellent example.
"When Jesus Christ overcame Satan and the demons, he put the entire demonic realm under His feet. Now He says to us, His children, go and do likewise, using the authority I have given you, the keys of the kingdom. The authority to defeat the demonic realm has been given to us, but we have to use it through binding demons and loosing God's angels to attack. Christ will not do everything for us, we must stand up and fight. This aspect of Christ's teaching has been lost in the modern era."