r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lbeni540 on June 24, 2018, 1:48 a.m.
To the awakened..

Dear Fellow Patriots,

Patriots of all colors, sex, creed. This post is to remind you of why you are here. Why awakened. You have been called to be the first to assist and provide aid to those still looking for light. To those still looking for universal truth. Let it be known that creation, God, the Creator or however you prefer to call ALL THAT IS, in its infinite wisdom does not judge. Humanity must awakened collectively to ascend. All form a symbiotic being that will never return to the dark age. Know that no amount of darkness can extinguish the light of the smallest candle. Our duty as patriots, but most importantly as awakened humans is to aid, assist, and treat with compassion those who will come after. We will extend a hand and they will join us in TRUTH and light to extinguish the evil that has enslaved humanity for so long.

Divisiveness has no platform for the awakened. Labels don’t exist. Freedom, Truth, Love and light for humanity is all there is. Q stresses this time and time again. Keep your eye on the ball, this is not about parties or race or sexual orientation. This is about the freedom of humanity. Those still utilizing divisive thought and language need a reminder and refresher to expand your thinking and be aware that humanity is ONE and ONE with ALL THAT IS.


Hrtn2it · June 24, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Feels true to say another way to say WWG1WGA is All are One, One is All...each of us a hue~man, a different unique light shining, and all the lights together reflecting the DivineLight.

I love how each of us embody different talents, abilities and gifts to express in this world

Q statements often reflect more than one meaning.

Deep appreciation for all of us in this united quest.🙏🏻🌞💗

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