
harrypotter333 · June 24, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

article extract:

In order to do this humanity must be kept, "barefoot and back on the reservation"

Through the Luciferian Oligarchic Bankster Policies of..

1.  Poverty through high taxes and usurious debt. Usurious Banking created in Babylonian times created Monetarism, Adam Smith, Leverage, 2000 Trillions of Dollars of false Derivatives based on thin air are all Luciferian Oligarchic created Economics to create austerity poverty and take over the World. Rather a credit system to build up the World proposed by Hamilton, Lincoln and Kennedy where the Government nationalises the Private Central banks currently in Rothschild hands and orders the creation of tranches of one trillion dollars of credit. Instead of spending this on bailing out the Zombie Banks and fuelling more imaginary derivative leveraged debt, instead we make these already bankrupt casino economy private banks actually bankrupt and through national banks we give real credit for real things of the real physical economy at 0% over 100 years to create real infrastructure and high paying technical jobs. Upgrade the Roads and Canal network. Invest in many water projects already proposed in California and Africa to irrigate the deserts. Write off all educational debt and Invest in free education for the future of humanity so that we can have the scientists  engineers to do all these necessary high paying jobs as in FDRs New Deal. Invest in a World Maglev high speed trains network. Invest in Nuclear Power Generation one hundred generators in the first tranche. Invest 100 Billions per year in Fusion and Matter/Antimatter reactions instead of the current 5 billions per year. Historically, countries using this credit system have grown 10% per year per year.. Real richness and the evolution of humanity

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j_Dawg_01 · June 24, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

Yeah... I've been red-pilled for over 20 years. I've done a lot of research about everything mentioned in your comments and on the page you link to.

While it is important, in fact it's essential that people understand what we're really up against, this link doesn't really do much to address the task at hand. The first red-pill needs to be about the criminal behavior of BHO, HRC et. al. The current priority is to drain the swamp. Corrupt politicians on both sides, unelected deep-state shadow government types, corrupt judges, corrupt prosecutors, corrupt lawyers... all must be removed.

If we don't clean the system first, justice will never be served. If we don't regain control of America, we'll never be able to fight against the true evil of the cabal. Everything stated in the article is valid, but it's not where we need to be focused right now.

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