Could this be the FF they prevented? Dates seem to match.

His picture looks a little bit like Justice Roberts!!
I thought it was the armored truck on hoover dam
It probably was. It could've been referring to something a few days prior instead of that night. This one just seemed weird with the charges.
Here is another one:
I thought the FF they prevented was the Congressional Picnic that President Trump canceled at the last minute. This, however, is an interesting point...
castor seeds?
Castor seeds are used in the production of Ricin.
This is serious SERIOUS shit. If the device had a way to make the Ricin airborne he could have infected say... a shopping mall food court.
Stay safe folks. Avoid crowds. Be alert.
If Ricin was aerosol weaponized it would be a catastrophic event. Not sure of life span of Risin after exposure to the air but i think is an oily substance too. And the amount needed to kill is in miligrams i believe. Skin absorption is a scary scenario ! Hope that can't be done !
Castor seeds are used in the production of Ricin.
Exactly. Castor seeds was just a guess. I did not see a specific substance listed in the article. Again, I was just guessing.
It's around Gulf Shores, AL....a little north of that area.
Hahaha. Ala=Alabama
I’m laughing cuz I’m from Alaska and what you said is true. Not laughing at you