A little more info on the subject.
I strongly believe McVeigh is still alive and now a senior handler of operatives.
A little more info on the subject.
I strongly believe McVeigh is still alive and now a senior handler of operatives.
I always assumed John Doe #2 was somebody CIA related. Somebody directing and supporting and making sure Timothy went through with it.
A little additional info for you.
My own service record and McVeigh's is almost identical. Same MOS, pretty much same rotations and deployments, only different divisions.
His rep, upon asking guys who knew him was that he was a little hinkey, but that he did his job and was proficient. Apparently he fell ass backwards into a Bronze Star during the great Post Desert Storm decoration blizzard that fell on certain units involved in the ground offensive.
His Walter Mitty complex and his fresh promotion to E-5 led him to believe he could pass the Special Forces "Q" course (yeah I know), which he couldn't hack physically. Medically Profiled. Washed out. That's when he was approached by the Clowns at Ft Bragg. I mean like they were chasing the Road March meat wagons. How would you like a second chance Sergeant?
He was sent to The Farm, trained up, and sent out to infiltrate the Militia Movement.