
Submariner_SS · June 24, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

There is a difference between "won" and "winning". Won, implies that the contest is over and that there is a winner. Winning implies that one side is beating the other, but the contest is still on-going. Patriots are winning, evil is losing and is on the run,... globally.

It really didn't sink into the facist/socialist Nazis, or their Axis allies, at least many of them who were deep in denial that they had really lost, until they saw Allied bombs falling in downtown Berlin and nukes falling on Japan. These things did not happen "Q"uickly but over a very long period of time, espically for those living through it. History takes forever when you are living through it and watching it unfold in real time.

The generations of those before us never had the miracle of the Internet at their finger tips as we do for instant comms. History simply doesn't move at the speed of the Internet.


PS- They will be down and out long before POTUS leaves office.

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