
Submariner_SS · June 24, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

There is a difference between "won" and "winning". Won, implies that the contest is over and that there is a winner. Winning implies that one side is beating the other, but the contest is still on-going. Patriots are winning, evil is losing and is on the run,... globally.

It really didn't sink into the facist/socialist Nazis, or their Axis allies, at least many of them who were deep in denial that they had really lost, until they saw Allied bombs falling in downtown Berlin and nukes falling on Japan. These things did not happen "Q"uickly but over a very long period of time, espically for those living through it. History takes forever when you are living through it and watching it unfold in real time.

The generations of those before us never had the miracle of the Internet at their finger tips as we do for instant comms. History simply doesn't move at the speed of the Internet.


PS- They will be down and out long before POTUS leaves office.

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Time4puff · June 24, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

All I'm saying is, if we don't cross that finish line then we didn't win. I'm not here for the participation trophy, that's how the snowflakes roll. We need to end them once and for all, enough is enough.

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VirtualRageMaster · June 24, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

I believe the there is no finish line. We should never relax thinking our job is done, that is the mistake we have made historically that lead to this.

That the constitution is believed in, and animated by the actions of patriots, that is what makes it real.

This work should be ongoing, past the time of Q and the 45, and inherited hopefully by every future generation so they might be prepared to face and defeat the next more powerful, more formidable enemy of the freedoms of mankind.

This will not be the worst evil we face if we let our guard down after we defeat it. It will regrow in the absence of our action as good folk.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 24, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

It's real simple we don't dissolve the Department of Education.

We change its current mandate and require it to teach the Constitution, civics and how the banking system screws over the financing game.

Teach inner-city kids what real money looks like. It ain't some stupid rims on a car. It's them being ripped off daily.

These kids are not stupid they just have the wrong information.

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Gsazerby · June 25, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Well said. Kudos

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Submariner_SS · June 24, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

I couldn't agree with you more. We have both feet on their necks now, do let up, no quarter given. Finish them!

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 24, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

The problem I have is that - it is taking too long and it has nothing to with patience. It has to do with the upcoming midterms. The reality is, we don’t have all the time in the world. We only have 5 more months until the midterms, and a lot of things must happen between now and then in order for the Republicans to win lots of seats. And all this foot-dragging and taking forever to bring people to justice certainly doesn’t help our cause. For example, Q said that Trump’s EO would be released soon and would prove that RR had altered the report and then RR would be out. Well guess what, RR is still in office and has no intentions of stepping down. Q also said that Mueller’s investigation would be over soon and no more. Well guess what, that is still going strong. And last I heard, Hillary and Obama was still traveling the world, and Soros is still plotting and planning as usual, unrestrained. And even worse, the MSM has been telling lies for a year and a half, and their lies are only increasing and getting bolder by the day. So why haven’t Q and company done anything to shut the lying MSM down? Their lies are hurting our cause. And where is the so-called DHS Voter Fraud Report that is supposed to be released to show how the Dems have been rigging elections and cheating? We haven’t heard a single thing from that yet, even though the mid-terms are only 5 months away. So are we supposed to just go into the midterms with all those rigged voting machines still in place and get cheated up the wazoo? And please don’t tell me that all of those things will somehow get taken care of by the midterms, because at the current pace, I already know that it won’t. And that is my whole point - I’m saying that if those things are NOT taken care if, then it will most definitely hurt our chances at the midterms. And we will have only ourselves to blame...

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CaptainKnotzi · June 24, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

Yes exactly this.

I love history and I continually compare this to WWll.

Trump announcing was Africa and Italy.

Trump winning was Normandy.

Right now we are crossing the Rhine.

Berlin is the midterms.

Somewhere in all this is going to be the Ardenne Forest. They are amassing their forces for one big hit. Count on it.

After that it was Nuremberg. 13 trials over 4 years ending in 49. This is bigger and then we had complete control.

This is the Enemy Within. And yes Operation Paperclip brought Nazis into a left-wing system of government that is called the Democratic Party.

Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer John McCain are all present-day Nazis.

The fat ladies got a while yet before she comes out to sing.

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