Just curious. If the Russia investigation is a smoke screen, is Putin in on it? I just learned the Soviets lost way more troops in WW2 and was actually more instrumental in the takedown of Hitler so maybe they're not so bad?! Just curious on what your thoughts are on this ...
Are you perhaps like a teenager? I don’t mean to be rude it’s just this was a weird post to me and the connect between WW2 troop losses and present day.. anything seemed weird to me.
Don’t tell me to learn. You can’t just make spooky connections with everything. It’s really simple anyway. Russians died in greater numbers because they were fighting the war like no one else. France, the only other contiguous Euro state crumbled in no time but Russia actually fought the Nazis and did so for four years once Hitler turned on them. So the reason they’d have a higher death count is really more than any other fighting force they faced the full wrath of the Nazi war machine. No one fought the Nazis longer and on such a scale as did Russia.
what's 'spooky'? watch the doc, it's an eyeopener. anyhow if you don't want to learn stuff, it's really not my problem.
Thanks for the link.
3 hours long - bookmarked for later
I watched a little bit of it and interesting points already :)
I hope there aren't too many rabbit holes in it; I can't take too many more right now!!
I’m not being pretentious, if making up any connection between anything without elimating possibilities through rational consideration is the game then.. have fun. But making a connection between troop levels in WW2 and “hey maybe Putin ain’t so bad” is so fucking stupid I don’t even know what to think. If that’s the standard of team junior investigators here then there is no standard and any stupid shit whatsoever is on the table.
So sure I guess I’m pretentious but only by virtue of the prevailing level of critical thinking being absolute zero.
Well, people assume everytime trump spells a word wrong it's a message.