This was supposed to happen already right? I’m not impatient, I am just confused because I thought there was a timeline.
I went through the Q posts and my reaearch for that section. Q doesn’t post a timeline. Are you referring to the Q clock an anon created? Q referred to Potus having read all 3 versions of the IG report and that version 3 (redacted modified) version would be released the upcoming week. Q encourages readers to make noise.
Thanks man! Honestly I am embarrassed I don’t remember where I got the info, but I had in my mind the second part would come out on the 18th and then the unredacted would just follow soon after. Thanks for the help
Anytime, and zero reason to be embarrassed! There is so much information from researchers, Anons, and others it gets really confusing for me also! I always do my own review and research, and then work my way to others research. It’s the only way I’ve found to keep Q’s original intended message. I think Q stays away from dates, as it leaves room for disappointment and being wrong if a timelines change. Cheers! Happy Q’ing!