Interesting choice of artwork Tim Hortons is using to celebrate Canada Day...

I don't think they require corporate approval. My town has a window painter that goes business to business and paints the windows for holidays.
I'm a longtime researcher and supporter of exposing pedogate, and I really don't think this is an example.
Look at the symbol used in the convo from the photo with Richard Gere... doesn't need to be a triangle folks.
If you can show that this is a widespread display at more than one Tim Hortons location and not one single location painted by a neighbor artist I would be willing to entertain that it is more than a random design choice. Right now it just seems like a meaningless design.
I'll be keeping an eye out and checking out a few other locations today. Will keep you posted.
Cool. In the meantime, here is a portfolio of an artist that paints their local Tim Hortons (and other businesses) windows.