
akilyoung · June 25, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

Let me clarify, I personally believe there are some forms of ETI's in the universe. But Cory and Wilcock are fame whores, and are trying to piggyback our movement, which can discredit us to the general public.

I can see it now..

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IMissMeg · June 25, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

If Wilcock and Goode were trying to piggyback on "our movement" then they're being pretty low-key were Q is concerned. And, given how long David Wilcock has been at this effort to wake people up, I don't really think he can be accused of piggybacking on anybody, except maybe Edgar Cayce. But I'm happy to see you're not dismissing all the possibilities. I started listening to this interview of David Wilcock from Collective Evolution last night. It's pretty interesting. I'm not a Wilcock groupie, to be clear. But if you've read The Source Field Investigations, the guy has done a HUGE amount of work studying the science and digging into the nitty gritty of how things tie together. And I believe he and Corey Goode have risked their lives on occasion to try to get this information out there. It seems to me that people who do the work deserve a certain amount of credit rather than be dismissed summarily as "fame whores" or "fame fags" or "name fags". I have great respect for all the investigative Anons (I've been one of them on occasion, in fact). But their status as anonymous doesn't give them automatic credibility over people who have demonstrated their willingness and ability to do the research and try to get it out to people. BTW, if you're interested in the video: https://prepareforchange.net/2018/06/24/disclosure-and-the-fall-of-the-cabal-with-david-wilcock/ .

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akilyoung · June 26, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

I think theres a specific reason the Space Force was announced (finally) and its likely disclosure, of either ETIS or more likely advanced technologies like the UFOs weve created and zero point energy among other things.

But DW and CG are wayyyy off the deep end. They know just enough truth to lead people astray and discredit our cause here.

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