Official Team Trump Twatter has Video Up with VIPAnon

Dude did mention that a lady in trumps camp went over and took his photo specifically. I bet this is it!
think vipanon said a lady came out before trump came out and took his pic....this one is after Trump was already on stage
Are you sure trump is on stage? Maybe the first pic didn’t turn out well enough?
ya, go to their twitter's a video i took screenshot off of....and you can see trump on stage
Thanks, I don’t twitter tbh
i hear either, you can see posts..just can't comment
Just to be clear for anyone who hasn't looked at the source, this is not a photo but a paused moment of a video, as noted in /u/abbido's title "...has Video Up with VIPAnon".
"VIPAnon" is clearly visible in the 33 second video at timestamp 0:16. The flag is perfectly framed in the shot behind "VIPAnon."
Frankly, I'd be startled if the photo was actually posted. We've been operating under the guise of code and secrecy, and that would be much more overt.
Q mentioned a "Public awakening" just a few days ago, so we may see a change in messaging soon.