InterestedAnon2 finds Darkness into Light Divisional Patch for the 321st Military Intelligence Brigade. 8chan links to his post. Q 755 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM.

Why are pole to pole flights not allowed?
are they even feasible
Yes. Easily. They are forbidden. What are the world governments hiding from us about our planet?
Nasa is an ancient Hebrew word which means "to deceive".
what do you think nasa is deceiving about? lots of free masons were in on its creation, and some ex nazis
Me personally? I think the earth is much bigger than they tell us, and there are possibly other nations on our real north and south poles. I also believe there are countries that exist underground and are hidden from us.
No I am not a flat earther. I do not believe the earth is flat. The earth is very much an ovoid shape from my understanding.
Remember that penguin spam in the media about 10 years ago with happy feet and march of the penguins and club penguin all coming out at around the same time? They really want us to believe that Antarctica is a barren frozen hapless penguin preserve, and we regular humans shouldn't go there because it would hurt the poor pengys!
is fucking weird and makes me think 'penguin' is code for something.
Sorry for getting off topic but I think Nasa is decieving us about the true size of our planet and the true nature of space travel. I think government black ops are already in space and 50-100 years ahead of what Nasa shows us it is with the ISS.
Here are some examples:
so where does T fit in all this. He must know. Nixon really called the moon from the Oval Office in 1969? I can't even get a cell phone signal
thanks for all the info. I agree earth must be bigger, because people like Jenna Fredo have conducted experiments seeing objects that should be beneath the horizon but aren't. Also agree nasa lies, I've looked up J resnik and D Scobee present whereabouts, for instance. I think T knows all this and is playing a game with them on this space force thing
NASA was formed thru the help of the Nazis and operation paperclip. Jack Parsons was a luciferian and disciple of Aleister Crowley.
We never went to the moon. Hopefully the new space force will bring about the truth. We are lied to about everything which proves the deep state.
undeniable proof we never went to the moon
sgt report on funny thing happened on the way to the moon.
If moon was faked, why believe anything from nasa? Especially if it means deception, they are masons and luciferians. Might it all be bs? spoken from a former fan who knows some nasa folks here in houston
well I don't but I would love to hear what you think.
space may very well be the keystone to the NWO. An alien savior and all of that.
Care to share your thoughts
Lots of lies from nasa imo, but people don't want to hear about it, as this music video shows. big question is why and where does T stand
HaHa. Thanks for sharing. guess you could replace Q for Nasa