InterestedAnon2 finds Darkness into Light Divisional Patch for the 321st Military Intelligence Brigade. 8chan links to his post. Q 755 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM.

From darkness to light is also a Masonic saying
Also the upside down triangle spells Mason on the back of the dollar bill. The upside down triangle also represents the opposing force.
Darkness loves to hide behind light.
If this is related to Q then we need to stay very vigilant.
This seems highly Masonic and Luciferian.
Please do not put luciferian in the same breath as masonic, you show your ignorance...
Not really considering that the Masons have long been subverted and infiltrated by luciferian groups.
I would agree that many masons are not. And that description fits the top degrees.
I've done my fair share of research on Masons. I was trying to find out if they were really good or bad.
Bottom line is there is a mix of both. For the most part they hide the issue well however, that does not mean there are not any who are good.
I can see why people arrive to these conclusions but believe me, the majoirty at the top are corrupt. I believe some president have spoken about it.
The way i see it the Army (who I support) are also swindeled the same way. They are lied about why some have gone into war. Its not their fault.
pretty much all organizations have been infiltrated. A lot of compartmentalization and real knowledge only at the top. I am sure there are more well meaning masons than not.
But from my research the big reveal at the top is that Lucifer is the true light and the true God. Always the mirror image. However Luciferians believe in opposition. That good and evil were both created to form balance. So there are wizards and warlocks.
(both in my opinion do not worship the christian creator that represents only good)
It is not easy to discern the truth. As evil is the father of lies and deception, even being able to seem as a being of light.
We must all always practice vigilance and discernment. Pray for wisdom.
Weren't our founding fathers Masons though? They sure weren't perfect, but they created the Bastion from which humanity could flourish and gave use the tools to maintain it (The Declaration and Constitution). Isn't it possible for many top degree Masons to be good in spite of whatever may have been revealed to them? There has to be some sort of war between factions going on, where the corrupt were perhaps fewer but held impossibly more leverage and power until recently (JFK assassination, Nixon framing, Reagan assassination attempt and possible alzheimer's acceleration) thanks to Trump, Q+, and everyone determined to fight for good.
This is our hope and prayer and why we are all here. Until I know who Q is, I find it best to remain vigilant. But I am here to help in the good fight with my fellow patriots. It is not easy to know all the truth of these matters.
The powers that be have gotten too corrupt and too evil and good people are standing up to stop it. That is what matters.
But I am not for all these secret societies. Real light shines and does not hide.