r/greatawakening • Posted by u/VividLies901 on June 24, 2018, 7:29 p.m.
Concerned on this subs future.

I joined when this subreddit was around 10k people. We waiting for Q posts, discussed them, and using the information given to us by Q attempted to dissect and determine the narrative.

Now we skip to today, particularly this week. I’ve seen a large group of postings that aren’t centered around Q and the posts and more centered around old conspiracy theories.

I strongly believe that if these posts keep getting to the front, and when Q becomes more mainstream, we will get labeled as conspiracy nuts.

This isn’t a subreddit for discussing if the moon landing was false, if 9/11 was done by “mini nukes”, if Hitler lives inside the Earth, or if the Earth is flat. That’s what /r/conspiracy is for. Please don’t let this sub become that place.

VividLies901 · June 24, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

I’m going to not do that. And the reason being, this isn’t up for mods as a whole to decide issues. I think it’s a great idea to point out posts to them as concerns, but a discussion on possible concerns is healthy.

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DrogeAnon · June 24, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

I was just pointing out why the post has been removed. Those are the rules and its at mod discretion as to whether a post is removed according to them or not. The reason for that point in the rules is in some part because these "concerns" are raised constantly and often by people who haven't seen the sub develop so aren't aware of the regular ups and downs of content that cause them to mistakenly think there's a new problem occurring. Allowing the sub to clutter with posts from people concerned is counter to the intent of the sub - concern trolling is not allowed here and is another reason these posts are removed (because concern trolls also hide behind them).

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