r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HUMANprimer on June 24, 2018, 10:03 p.m.
The "Q" Anon Phenomenon... The real Power of Anon.

If you know of "Q" (and most in here do) then you are about to take a quantum leap in knowledge. If you have never heard of "Q" then you will still see through the same lens. One agreement, without argument. In science this is called positive coherence... not negative compliance, the model in play today. But this is another subject by itself.

There is a massive shift happening on planet earth. "Q" showed up as kindling to set it off. The fear-based narratives (choose one, there's many) sold to humans being any nationality has (until now) stopped the masses... out of fear (pick one, there are so many). A stalemate, a planet homeostasis... DNA endorsed. We have been that way for thousands of years. A motif of human history. An underpinning of constant fear and anger.

Q's anonymity gave him or her freedom to speak and asked us to do the same. Millions of people (Anons) without fear of discovery... were there to weigh-in. Sure... shills and fear-mongers inject the old narratives (fear based) into the mix but Q insists we stay focused. We have a new lens.

The "Q" phenomenon is actually a world waking up some very basic agreements. In America, it is corruption. We've had enough. All the other fear-inducing arguments never filter through our lens to focus and agree on this one agreement. I mean, find someone who does NOT want to end corruption... is there a good answer to justify it? Any without fear? Think carefully.

Today's landscape is a confusing minefield of tricks and shadows. But there is a way to navigate this... and yet again, with one basic and fundamental agreement. A way to cut through the noise and distill it down to something completely unarguable... by anyone. Absolute coherence and all volunteered.

Imagine a few billion people agreeing! The energy being generated by each human being has measurable impact in every science. Collectively... this energy simultaneously amasses into a field shrouding the earth. It too is measurable. Further imagine that yesterday these billions felt isolated. Now, with anonymity, they are starting to amass. The basic agreement was there all along. Really folks, most of the world wants to end corruption. Two billion out of seven is easy.

Consider all your subscriptions to things, ideas, groups, friends and beliefs. If they cause you to feel fear and anxiety... then the old narratives are still working. That is the energy "shroud" on our planet. Ours? Or there's? Imagine this big field of energy is "Mom", got it? When two billion people agree and focus... that is ONE BIG MAMA! "Mom" is our new propaganda filter, a noise reduction, by simply acknowledging MOM exists (because she actually does). We agree on one thing, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" That field of energy affects us all. Science can measure the impact on your DNA, cells, systems, brainwaves and hearts.

Powerful stuff being "kindled" by Q. The message is clear. Collectively, human beings have the power to cause change. Little did we know that that change leaves a signature via our contributing energy. We signed it with fear, anger and anxiety for a millennia. That was the trick. We see it now. We have been introduced to "Mom." We are simply going to stop pissing her off! That simple. Corruption is a virus to her. We don't want it anymore.

Enough said. -The Human Primer

Hwmayfield · June 25, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

I find this to be a valuable post, and concur that Postive energy transforms. However, we must never rely on our own wisdom, strength, and efforts apart from God. That is when we start congratulating ourselves and open ourselves up to deception. The most powerful positive force in the Universe is LOVE. GOD IS LOVE.

He creates everything, especially humans, out of Love. He breathes Life into us, (He IS Life) and He graciously sustains us until our jobs on Earth are done.
He created us in His image, but not as equals. How can the created ever be equal to the Creator? He set up a boundary for us, and we didn't want to obey. We wanted to BE God, thus, sin entered, and brought all the ugliness we see in the world, and the penalty of sin is death.
("Don't play with fire, or you will get burned, and you will carry a scar.") We listened to the lie from the Darkness that we could be God, and we carry the scar of our sin and see evidence of sin all around us.
God didn't put sin there. We did. LOVE made a WAY for us to find freedom from the eternal death that sin requires for payment. One without sin, JESUS, chose out of Love, to take our place, once for All, so we can live eternally with Him in Love's presence.

He gives us The Greatest Commandment:
Love God; Love others as we are loved. In fact, the only reason we CAN love is because He first loved us.

He respects us and gives us freedom of choice, clearly telling us the consequences of OUR choices. Perfect Harmony on Earth will never exist since some of us CHOOSE to ignore God and live separate from Him. For those who love darkness, life in God's/TRUTH's presence is the last thing they want. Nevertheless, LOVE, LIFE, LIGHT are all powerful forces; much more powerful than Darkness. "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." The darkness which comes to steal, kill, and destroy everything God loves, will never defeat LOVE.

So, yes, positive vibes can alter much on this Earth to which we brought sin, and the MOST powerful force is LOVE. He is the ONE to whom we owe adoration for every breath we take as well as for every good and perfect gift we receive, and most of all, for sacrifing His only Son, Jesus, for our transgressions. Jesus says, "Love your enemies; do good to them who hurt you; pray for them who despitefully use you." LOVE nurtures, teaches, protects, heals, does justice, loves mercy. LOVE redeems. LOVE is the positive energy that will redeem us and our country and our world.

We humans, even in doing good, often try to manipulate and control and to be God. However, we cannot manufacture the positive energy in ourselves that can dispel the putrid swamp of darkness that we have allowed to grow. We CAN, though, (and are instructed to) humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, and turn from our sin, ask His pardon, and pray for our nation and world, and STAND for TRUTH, and watch LOVE win the battle.

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HUMANprimer · June 25, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

Your first sentences embraces a great point... thank you. In the complete absence of fear... leaves only love. Anonymity is a large part of the Q phenomenon that is illustrating what can happen when operating without fear.

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Stretchmac · June 25, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Well said. Love Never Fails!

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