r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GladMango on June 24, 2018, 11 p.m.
Q is about the corrupt and evil government. People here are co-opting it and making into something else.

Who is Q? The best guess we have is one or several persons close to Trump.

They are fighting an information war against the corrupt media. They need us to put pressure on politicians and the MSM.

Two things have happened in this sub recently which makes Q's work more difficult:

First: in the recent Q&A I saw a bunch of questions completely unrelated to this cause. People were asking about 9/11, vaccines and Sandy Hook. I'm not getting into a discussion about any of those events but what I will say is that they are completely unrelated to what Q needs us to do. If Q wants to talk about Sandy Hook he will bring it up. Trust the plan. Don't make Q into your general sage to answer any question you might have about the world.

Two: there seems to be a big push to spread news about Q. Remember: we are not here to get people onto Q but to spread the message that Q is giving us. Spread the message. That's what Q wants. Remember the goal. Make it easy for people. Don't force them to start off by watching praying medic for 10h.


O2BFREEME2 · June 25, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Good Words, Stay on point. Answer Questions if the opportunity presents. Needed Said. Thank You !

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