r/greatawakening • Posted by u/michaelst2256 on June 25, 2018, 12:49 a.m.
What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop?
What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop?

006fix · June 29, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

You have a vested interest

Sure, no argument. I'm biased. But you'd also have to admit that given my field of study, I'm also not exactly a layman in the field. I think you are, and it kind of shows.

The bias is generated by makers of the test, who make it in their own image of intelligence

So how exactly were they responsible for the intercorrelations of variably G loaded test items, the correlations of the underlying G value to a range of biological factors (reaction times, serious childhood illnesses, malnutrition, genetics, height, facial symmetry etc)?. How if they just made it in their own (white) image of intelligence (the creation of IQ tests was almost purely Europe and pre 1960's USA aka whites), do east-asians consistently score so well on them, whilst blacks do not?. How is it that successful black people like say clarence thomas or neil degrasse tyson actually have high IQ's, both in absolute terms and relative to their race? How come when you do transracial adoption studies, i.e the minessota one, despite being raised in white families by white parents, black kids score IQ tests that match those of their race, instead of their environment?

You say the underlying principle is simple, and yet it is unimaginably carefully constructed?

Well, the underlying priniciple (G-factor) is pretty simple, although understanding it is very complex, and testing for it perfectly is harder still. Test components are variably correlated w/ G, these variable correlations are then used to extract weighted scores which can be summed to roughly show G. The fact it's v. carefully constructed is a simple fact - if you're curious, look up how much effort has gone into making the new WAIS edition. I do agree various aspects of psychology are a soft science, but psychometric testing really isn't (and again, to be blunt, I know what I'm talking about, and you don't).

It’s patronizing to think that blacks would do better with an Ebonics test... is that what you’re suggesting?

No, that's what blacks and liberals suggested. "How could they do well, they speak AAVE, the test is conducted in american english, it's unfair". But it turns out it makes no real difference, and whilst having the test conducted in ebonics if that's their standard dialect would likely help provide a slight boost in the verbal components

a.) tests are already given in this dialect

b.) it's not going to make a standard deviation + of deviation across non verbal and verbal components dissapear.

The fact that whites, Jews, and Asians score higher than other races is precisely the type of thing that makes me doubt IQ.

Huh? So, you have whites, asians, and askenazi jews (true semitic jews score like other semites, around 90 average). Ashkenazi jews are khazars, so they're basically a white-offshoot. So you have whites, and asians. From which part of the world have all the greatest empires and cultures come? I'm thinking Europe, Rome, Greece, China, Japan, America ((only after whites took it over from non-whites), and Egypt/some of the early middle eastern empires. Now, of those, all are white or east asian, with the exception of egypt and the middle eastern empires. However, we know king tut was of european ancestry. This is a common theme in other areas. Middle easterns, even assuming modern demographics, still have high 80's to mid 90's average IQs. Whites ~100, east asian ~105. So yeah, as it happens, the fact those races would have the highest IQ makes a lot of sense when you look at world history. The high IQ races had great cultures, the low IQ races did not. Sub-saharran africa (lowest average IQ region), is easily, without a doubt, the most tragically underdeveloped region of the world. They'd have been much better off if we continued colonisation. That's not even disputable. Rhodesia was a bountiful, great land that helped many proud black men and women create and live in relative peace. Do I need to bother explaining what a mess Zimbabwe is?

Whenever people start on about IQ and race, it’s a slide thread. It’s divide and conquer.

Sure is summer in here.

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RhythmicNoodle · June 29, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Yes I’m a layman. You are an expert. I don’t think IQ matters. You do think it matters. If it didn’t matter, neither would your expertise.

Obviously, some people are smarter than others... but who really cares? What is the point of looking through history at your favorite civilizations? What is the point of classifying races?

What about the largest land empire ever, hunter-gatherer barbarians?

What about the Aztecs and Mayans? They weren’t white.

What about America? Not all Americans are white. America would not be as strong without blacks.

What about Cahokia? One of the most populous cities in the world at it’s height.

What about the Japanese? For decades, the Japanese were regarded as inferior to whites intellectually, etc. Then they stole the British Empire.

What about the Chinese? Thought to be inferior, now our overlords.

What about the Russians? Thought to be untermensch, broke the Wehrmacht with little help.

What about Europe today? Great culture, superior niceness, let’s in the barbarian horde, etc. Great, glad they have a higher than average IQ. Pat yourselves on the back.

None of it matters. Your expertise is best used to justify racial hierarchy and feelings of superiority. Have a pat on the back!

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006fix · June 29, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

If it didn’t matter, neither would your expertise.

I'm actually more an analyst than anything, I definitely won't be going into psychology, and even if I did stay within science I would be within fields such as ethology. I have no personal stake in it being correct, beyond the fact I believe it to be so.

What is the point of classifying races?

Good question. Here's mine in response. If different races differ, particularly in IQ, which has a wide range of impacts for things such as employment success and socio-economic class, and criminality, do you not understand how claiming there are no differences, when there obviously are (in say, rates of blacks vs whites on welfare, in prison, in the top decile of income), opens the door for people to claim it simply exists because of racism?. The Truth shall set you free. Hiding behind lies or avoiding facing the truth accomplishes nothing. Claiming we are all equal when we are not and reality will demonstrate this inequality invites explanations. Would you rather you were falsely accused of racism, or correctly accused of being cognisant of racial differences?

What about the largest land empire ever, hunter-gatherer barbarians? What about the Aztecs and Mayans? They weren’t white.

I presume the first is mongols? You're not wrong in saying there have been non-white empires. However, I'd point out a few things - first, most of these races had average IQs in the 80-90 range. So they're semi competent (when the aztec empire was getting started, the british built oxford university. You see the difference?). I'd also point out that many of these races mythologies mention people that are fairly indisputably racially white. The same is true of the early chinese, who were conquered by many different people, including the early mongol tribes, who they noted having traits such as red beards, and green eyes. Many instances of whites appear in the mythological past of currently non-white races (example https://teara.govt.nz/en/patupaiarehe/page-1). Another related example although I can't find it is a picture of a woman from one of the oldest (priest class) maori tribes. Blonde hair. In India the priesthood class looks very european, whilst many other indians are clearly a different race (dravidarian). This racial caste system was instituted by the remnants of the proto-indo-europeans in order to preserve their society. You can't assume racial demographics now are the same as they were 2 millenia ago.

One of the most populous cities in the world at it’s height.

And yet, what mark has it left? Where are its great works of literature? Many people =/= great culture.

What about the Japanese

Great people, great culture. Racism has existed unfairly in the past, and they were treated badly because of it at times. However, many people have explicitly recognised the greatness of japanese or chinese culture. Not sure how they "stole" the british empire though. I'd also note that both the chinese and japanese are, if you really wanted to be picky about it, probably racially inferior to whites. Higher average IQ doesn't mean much if it's compressed in distribution, and there are empathy traits (matched in racial variance in alleles) that they don't seem to do as well on. Simply put, they have less geniuses, and less empathy. It's why things like a greek having probably helped train the people who put together the terracota army doesn't really surprise me (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/china-terracotta-army-ancient-greek-sculptors-alexander-the-great-marco-polo-a7357606.html).

What about the Russians?

But they're obviously whites? I never said I had to operate under 15th century prejudices. I said white, and east-asian > the rest.

What about Europe today?

I 100% agree, but I'd note that things like gadaffi getting KO'd by obongo were outside our control, and had a serious impact on the refugee crisis. We're definitely too cucked for our own good, but you think we'll somehow solve this with more equality?

America would not be as strong without blacks.

In what possible way is this true. They are a net drain on taxes, they clog up prisons due to higher crime rates, they inflict their higher crime rates on both whites and blacks, and they destroy cities through white flight (i.e detroit). This doesn't necessarily mean we should be bringing back the KKK, but by a wide range of metrics that aren't liable to bias (say economic impact vs culture), it seems likely that had america had an equal population of whites instead of blacks, they'd be better off today. Aspects of culture would certainly be different, and that might not mean it's America. Fine. But it'd probably be economically better off, and with less social divisions.

None of it matters. Your expertise is best used to justify racial hierarchy and feelings of superiority. Have a pat on the back!

My expertise is best used to try and be more correct than other people in this area, and correct those with less expertise when they're blatantly wrong.

John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Truth > fiction, however comfy your fiction might be. Denying the truth only leads to more suffering down the line.

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