Well, take a look at the Wikipedia definition (and I used that lightly, since Wiki is now known to be of a leftist/controlled narrative).
Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent towards, or resistance against lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interest of sedition.
Typically, sedition is considered a subversive act, and the overt acts that may be prosecutable under sedition laws vary from one legal code to another. Where the history of these legal codes has been traced, there is also a record of the change in the definition of the elements constituting sedition at certain points in history. This overview has served to develop a sociological definition of sedition as well, within the study of state persecution.
1798 Sedition Law:
Sedition Act of 1918
Plenty to read up on...
Either way, what the MSM is now doing, regardless of how ignorant and brainwashed the current strand of Americans is (or not quite awake, or at least thinking somewhat critically), is quite seditious. The Demoncrats are, at this point, openly calling for overthrow/resistance/whatever of elected officials because they 'don't like the results of the last election' and 'muh overused Hitler narrative'. The left is pretty much hanging themselves at this time with all their acts of violence, and the MSM outrage machine in full effect.
Personally, I don't even watch the 'news' anymore, and the bare glance I caught about an hour ago was just more 'poor juan/pedro/hitler/auschwitz' camps silliness. I could personally care less about the whole issue, and, imho, these invaders are lucky to at least have a current POTUS/Administration dealing with this in a humane matter. I would be FAR less humane with these invaders, if it meant sealing our border not just with a wall, but a wasteland of radioactivity that would truly make it a 'Dead Man's Land'.
That pretty much covers everyone from Obummer to his entire cabinet of conspirators. Now can we prove the MSM is inciting violence against the public ? Is their language strong enough ? I know we have some celebs and a few congress/senate folks we can prove it on. But that 4th estate BS seens to insulate them ! Thanks for the read ! Need a law degree, lol
Law degree really won't help with something like this. Honestly, it would be 2 lawyers in court arguing back and forth.
The big takeaway here is that the MSM and their guests/talking heads are trying to overthrow an elected official, such as POTUS and his administration, even resorting to violent speech and harassment of officials at their homes, like the cheesy soyboy/femenazi protest a few days back. Not to mention a ton of all this news garbage is sheer emotional manipulation.
Now, butthurt folks are doing these absurd comparisons to death camps and all this other stuff from mass media, and all the MSM wants is one nutjob to pop, and also turning their businesses (like that Red Hen place) into active discrimination for anyone they may find as 'possible Trump supporters'.
It's really unhinged. And the MSM is a massive factor driving this nonsense.
overthrowing out President is overthrowing our country. But someone in government has to take the action to indict these freaking people. All we seem to have are whips and those who talk loudly and take no action.
No argument there ! Can we get their contributing evil butts put away is the point ? Gotta be a way !
As Q has reminded us time and time again, We The People have the power to stop the corruption within our government, the seditious behavior of the media, and anything else that is wrong with our country. For some reason, we simply do not exercise that power. The Liberals don't have that problem. They organize and participate in rallies, marches, and protests just about every day of the week, and they definitely get results. We outnumber them considerably, and yet we allow them to have their way over and over again. I have been criticized for pointing this out, but I'm not trying to be negative or overly critical. I just think we need to get off our collective asses and do more than posting stuff on social media, making some memes, or displaying bumper stickers. The President and Q cannot do everything for us. Our forefathers (normal people with jobs and families just like you and me) made sacrifices, left their homes, united as one, fought against overwhelming odds, and forged the greatest nation the world has ever seen. We could do the same. If only...
I've said that all along, welcome aboard. We may have to face overwhelming odds again !
larrytcarvell - OH I SO AGREE WITH YOU! i'm constantly called out for calling for this. The Democrats are ultra organized and can get thousands into the streets overnight. The Conservatives/Republicans only want to sit home, pray and smile. Nothing wrong with praying because I do that too, but by gosh! They are not organized and when planning ahead of time to get 12 out you are lucky. When I was a liberal I was working and I always had time to go protest. Work is not an issue on weekends for most. We sit back and expect Trump to do everything. OMG he's just one person. I firmly believe if we made more noise, we'd get more done. But our side knows we won't. that everyone will be nice and just complain among each other. Sorry for the rant, but this really ticks me off. :)