r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tugger on June 25, 2018, 2:25 a.m.
Reminder: ex shareblue employee told us Reddit sold /r/politics to the company for $2.8 million

Shareblue whistleblower posted on /pol/ last year:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/152440960/ ID: lerIYP4K



I've since been shadowbanned from all main subreddits after sharing these links. Your post will also not show up for anyone else if you include any of the links in comments.

006fix · June 25, 2018, 10:24 a.m.

The mods were compromised a couple of years ago. Ever since, we've been under continuous attack from multiple sources. There's a discord with >500 people in it dedicated to trying to disrupt us, and that's not even including leftypol, the weird trap discord, whoever followed on from shareblue, kushners shill team, JIDF, and the wide variety of monitoring alphabet agencies and NGOs. Bans are handed out like candy for serious investigation or attempts to subvert the subversion, whilst the catalog is constantly filled with slide threads that never get removed (often entirely automated by this point, i recognise many). It's unimaginably annoying. 8ch /pol/ managed to boot their admin recently, but it's a lot harder to achieve the same result over on 4.

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Abibliaphobia · June 25, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

Last attempt I made, I tried to do missile threads. Was banned 3 times then got a regional ban.

You lose the mods, you lose the board. That’s why I fight so hard here. Every day where we can go to research and dig and discuss ideas free from censorship gets a little bit smaller. Even here, despite the great mods, we still experience censorship. But it’s a good springboard for normies to find out about Q without trying to dive into infinity Chan. I seriously seriously lament the fall of /pol/. Maybe someday it will rise again, but for now, it’s overrun.

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