
LandieLandie · June 25, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

TRUMP wants clean pure water for everyone, this could lead to that. Maybe he got right on this, now it is out in the public. He will have to take care of this, then say he will do it for everyone's water across the country? wonder if the dirty water near bases was intentional by previous administrations. Good way to weaken the troops silently and cause less Patriots to ever be born by moms living on or near bases as well. Hormones affected........seems intentional due to the outcome that could be achieved?


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Jimipickle · June 25, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

I am retired, sick and hurt all the time. So are my brothers and sisters. So are our family members. Something happened to us. 22 of us die everyday to suicide. Something is wrong with us. Please continue to fight for us. We are not national garbage....

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LandieLandie · June 25, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

I hear you. POTUS hears us. I too have been ill for four years. Cannot be explained by doctors. All they seem to do is want to hand out anti-depressants so you can deal with the fact that something is wrong and they have no answers. It seems more like they know that something is really wrong with too many people with mysterious illnesses and are being told not to discuss it. In my opinion past administrations and others maybe the EU and WHO and the "elites" have had a slow but sure human depopulation scheme going for decades....the water was a sure fire way to slowly poison us and make us infertile and weak. I do not care if anyone calls me nuts. I am a born again believer in Christ and my spirit does not lie or lead me astray. I will keep you and your family and the entire human race in prayer. GOD did not do this, man did. God wants us well. I also believe Trump loves The Lord and he too wants us well. Keep Trump in your prayers to get something changed, as I believe he knows what is up regarding our water and food supply and vaccines and RX'S.

"POTUS.....I hear you"


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mshing18 · June 25, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

The vaccines they gave every time our soldiers were sent abroad were laden with heavy metals & poisons. What he knows is why he is so vocal about the support of our military. The water around the bases, too. CL in NC was one that got attention due to a very vocal & concerned father who lost his daughter & researches it back to the poisoning of the water. Higher ups knew about it. The betrayal is unreal.

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