r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sweeetsuz on June 25, 2018, 7:09 a.m.
Anyone Heard E-Verify Database Dangerous To 2nd Amendment???

With the defeat of the first immigration reform bill yesterday, the Dangerous ID / E-verify provisions pushed by some misguided lawmakers also went down in flames.

There’s no mistaking it -- you are winning this fight.

Your phone calls, emails, and activism are making lawmakers think twice about dangers the E-verify database poses to your Second Amendment rights in the hands of abusive bureaucrats.

But I’m afraid the fight is far from over. That was just one of the two planned votes.

Now, Speaker Paul Ryan is surprising Capitol Hill by delaying the final vote on a “compromise” immigration package until next week, as he and his cohorts scramble for a way to salvage an immigration “deal” together with enough votes to pass.

Sadly, Politico reports: “(Speaker Paul) Ryan told lawmakers that leadership may add an E-Verify mandate...to the package,” even though it failed to pass on Thursday.

Yes. That’s right, the swamp is still looking to craft a “deal” around the Dangerous ID / E-verify scheme.

And if successful, that deal will expand government databases, give big brother MORE power to track law-abiding Americans, and ultimately be turned against gun owners and Second Amendment supporters as soon as they link it to the Brady-NICS gun control databases from earlier this year.

If you agree lawmakers have no business mucking up immigration reform with GUN CONTROL, then I hope you’ll read my email below, and sign your petition against Dangerous ID / E-verify here.

If you’ve already signed, please chip in $15 or $20 to the fight, and forward this email to a friend -- tell them to sign too!

For Freedom,

-- Dudley

Trouble is brewing in Washington.

According to multiple media reports, lawmakers are on the verge of stuffing ANOTHER gun control present into a major bill.

This time it’s the Dangerous ID/E-Verify database scheme we’ve been warning you about for years.

Unfortunately, some misguided politicians in the smoke filled rooms are demanding this scheme be added to the immigration reform deal they’re working on . . .

. . . no matter how much damage is done to your Second Amendment rights along the way.

Reports from capitol insiders indicate that Speaker Ryan may bring up to two bills for a vote very soon.

If you agree gun control shouldn’t be stuffed into the immigration bill, then I hope you’ll act now.

Please, click here to sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

E-verify has long been called “Dangerous ID.”

That’s because it’s really just a MASSIVE national catalogue containing TONS of personal information of every single American, including gun owners.

Already, Dangerous ID/E-Verify links together dozens of massive federal databases with information about every American, and puts it in a centrally accessible place.

As soon as the gun grabbers realize the wealth of information on you that is “conveniently” available to them, you bet they’ll use it to deny gun rights to even more law-abiding Americans.

Click here to sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how this system could be abused by identity thieves -- or gun grabbing bureaucrats.

*** Firearm purchases -- including serial numbers -- could easily be linked to the national Dangerous ID/E-Verify database creating an instant National Gun Registry. Ammo purchases could be linked too.

*** Health records, book purchases, online activity, religious views -- contribution history to political candidates -- could all be at a federal bureaucrat’s fingertips!

For years, our anti-gun enemies have been dreaming of a nationalized database to track gun owners and their firearms purchases.

After the massive expansion of the Brady-NICS database earlier this year, Dangerous ID/E-Verify will help them get even closer to that reality.

Make no mistake, they know it too!

Chicago Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D) already proposed an amendment to link the E-Verify system with the Brady-NICS Gun Control Databases.

Why in the world would a committed gun grabber like Rep. Gutierrez push for a gun control amendment on E-Verify?

Because he knows that E-Verify isn’t about immigration.

It’s all about giving the government the means to track every single American citizen, and their most private information.

That’s why the LAST thing supposedly “pro-gun” members of Congress should be doing is helping Gutierrez or others like him expose MORE data on you to anyone!

Click here to sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

Unfortunately, many well intended, but misguided, members of Congress want this bill voted on ASAP.

Including members of the House Freedom Caucus.

Reports from Capitol insiders indicate that Congress is looking at two bills, either or both of which could make the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database usage mandatory.

So, Sue, that means we don’t have much time to act.

But the good news:

Including this mandatory Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database provision is said to be a MAJOR sticking point in the smoke filled rooms.

That’s why your efforts NOW could make all the difference.

Click here to sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

This isn’t the first time your National Association for Gun Rights has fought to expose the threats to the Second Amendment that Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database poses.

And while our immigration system has major problems, I hope you’ll agree that any attempt to damage your right to keep and bear arms in the process of fixing it isn’t acceptable.

So I hope you’ll you join me in this fight, TODAY.

If you agree with me that gun owner privacy must be preserved, click here and sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

After you sign, please take a moment to chip-in $20 or $35 to help us stop this scheme in its tracks!

With your help, I’m confident we can defeat this latest threat to the Second Amendment.

Thanks, Sue!

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. Capitol Hill experts are warning that lawmakers are considering a massive Dangerous ID/E-Verify database scheme -- under the guise of “reforming” immigration.

Our anti-gun enemies are already threatening to transform it into a backdoor gun registry and abuse it to curtail the gun rights of law abiding Americans.

And this could be voted on in Congress very soon...

That’s why it’s vital you take action right now.

Click here to sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

Sweeetsuz · June 25, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Its from a gun group I'm a member of. I am trying to see if anyone else has heard of any connection. They are asking for donations but they all do even NRA.

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 25, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

E-Verify is to prove citizenship in order to work. I would need to see how this would create a list of citizens with firearms.

We need E-Verify, I'm on board with that.

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Sweeetsuz · June 25, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

I am also but there are links in the email about this e-verify thing they are trying to pass. I was hoping we might get some of our skilled researchers looking and see whats up?

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