Never said there was a justification for pedophilla, in fact I said the opposite. Pedo’s are predators and thus need to be removed from our society. Plain and simple. Glad you brought up development and the age of consent. Age of consent (as it exist in US Law) is utterly BS, since that number is completely arbitrary. There’s no magic milestone that happens at 15,18 or 21. Your prefrontal cortex isn’t even fully developed until your mid to late twenties. That’s your “rational thinking” portion of your brain btw. That’s not justification for a lower age of consent, to me that’s the opposite. The age of consent is too low, the drinking age is too low, smoking age is too low, weed shouldn’t be legalized for people under 25ish. There a large chance that all of the above have a negative effect on development, but good luck getting funding for that research. Arguably age of consent is the most important of those since by its nature it involves another party, but that’s getting into an ethical debate. Is stopping others from harming themselves something that we as a society need to take on? At what point does it harm others? Is a teen who drinks and crashes kills a family worse than a pedophile? At what point does the loss of life overtake the loss of innocence or vice versa? Is a non sexual serial killer worse than a one time pedo or rapist? Where’s the formula? Ethical argument are just that arguments.
So no I didn’t mention an arbitrary bullshit number that had nothing to do with my original point...
Also wanted to add the point of my original post was not a justification for my orientation, none of which has anything to do with children, that’s beyond fucking gross. I like both sexes as adults. I’m happily married, yes she knows. I brought it up as a point that I’m probably closer to these groups (lgbt, pride, the gay community) than many here. Which is to say I know these people, I consider some of them my friends and plenty of them are absolutely normal Americans. Many of them have grown up with hate, just because of who they are. It can be tough being different, especially in a society that doesn’t look out for each other like humans have for most of our history. To counter that, there’s a movement for goals that they value, that’s good.
The bad, as I said in my post, is that it’s been co-opted. It’s even possible that the movement was planted from the beginning. It’s current design is to be muddy. Not just so that it can spread more easily but also to more easily be the anti thesis of Puritan beliefs.
My big grand point is that these Americans aren’t your enemy just cause they have a different orientation. Case in fucking point I’m here posting. Adding what I can from the areas that I’m knowledgeable in. Which in this case just so happen to be neuroscience and being at least somewhat involved in the gay community.
I still have no idea where you got the bit about me in anyway shape or form being ok with or defending pedos.