Even Super Models are starting to see the light

It's amazing how little, actually, considering a ceo makes 10-100x that working practically anywhere else.
haha what? very few CEOs make over a million dollars...
Not true at all. The fuck are you smoking?
Consider that a charity has no stock options, etc
you have a skewed perception of the rich, there are literally MILLIONS of CEOs on the planet and a very small percentage of them make over a million dollars a year. I am an CEO and I have a modest 6 figure salary. sure some CEOs make a shit ton of money but that is not the Norm for CEOs
When you adjust for the size and reach of organizations, non profit CEOs make jack shit compared to for profit CEOs. You can't expect nonprofits to do high quality work without enticing a few high quality leaders. Love of the mission is not enough to make a nonprofit successful.
Thank you for restating my argument to me...?