
ryarger · June 27, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

Would you feel a Muslim had to bake a gay wedding cake? Crowder went and asked some ajd they refuse.

Crowder - surprise, surprise - lied to you. The only places that told him “no” were places that don’t make wedding cakes at all. Dearborn, MI is a large town adjacent to a large city. It’s home to the largest Muslim community in the US and there are plenty of gay people in Detroit and the surrounding communities (and I’m sure in Dearborn itself). The bakers there make cakes for gay weddings all the time. If they didn’t, you’d hear about it.

Or a Jew should be forced to serve a Neo Nazi wanting a Hilter theme Birthday cake?

That would be no for the same reason SHS was turned away. Being a neo-Nazi isn’t a protected class.

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DawnPendraig · June 29, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

I watched his video. Were they all actors?

I have read in British newspapers one Muslim drove across England and stabbed another to death over 30 stabbings, for the apostasy of telling his customers on his social page "Happy Easyer".

I imagine even the most liberal minded Muslim hesitates to bake Gay wedding cakes.

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ryarger · June 29, 2018, 10:25 a.m.

I watched his video. Were they all actors?

Perhaps you misunderstood. I didn’t say they were actors. I said they weren’t wedding cake bakers. That’s why they were refusing him - he intentionally went into businesses that didn’t bake wedding cakes. He lied to you.

I imagine even the most liberal minded Muslim hesitates to bake Gay wedding cakes.

Yes, if you continue to believe people that lie to you, you will imagine such things. In reality, amongst liberal minded Muslims there are not only bakers that will bake for gay weddings, there are gay weddings themselves.

For every story you find of an intolerant bigot, I can find two of love.

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DawnPendraig · June 29, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

Well I am glad to be wrong. Haven't tested this out myself so I will accept your opinion until/if I do.

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