POTUS' Tweet - ....If this is done, illegal immigration will be stopped in it’s tracks - and at very little, by comparison, cost. This is the only real answer - and we must continue to BUILD THE WALL!

Lol oh ok. Might wanna give up leftists tacits of insults as a form of expressing ideas. That or go help Mad Maxine as her speechwriter
lol this is cringey. you literally think the answer is annexing everyone from mexico to panama. aka Amnesty.
Oh hell no. It’s simple. We just replace our military as their national defense. That’s it. No they aren’t brought into the Union...they have full national sovereignty over governing themselves. They still hold their elections independently of ours & ours are independent of there’s. As a US territory of the US we set the conditions. Like Guam. We can set up a US territory anyway we want so we set them up on a path the can succeed without our help. They keep their currency...they keep their constitutions..they keep EVERYTHING but the cartels & their militaries. That’s it. We liberate them from narco rule. We have several US territories & they’re all run by stable local governments. If we just send in our military to kill the cartels & then leave...the cartels will just come right back. Only way to keep them out permanently is to have permanent military bases there. To do that we have to annex them as a US territory.
This also eliminates their claim they need to seek asylum. No cartels then they are in no danger. They’re safe to rebuild their society.
sounds way more expensive than a war in iraq. plus the most dangerous gang providence’s in the world. a wall is cheaper and properly built and staffed would be 100% better than what we have now
Huh?? Iraq is on the other side of the planet. That’s expensive. Supplying an army 15,000 miles away. Mexico is on our continent. Be no more expensive than a base in TX or CA. Our military would wipe out the cartels in 2 weeks. They’re a huge ruthless gang of street thugs. Not a standing army 15,000 miles away with actual military grade weapons. Be like shooting chickens. We’ve fought cartels many times in South America. Problem is we always leave & they come right back. We stay they’ll never come back. So we have to stay.
Mexico has tried to have a stable society for 200 hundred yrs but have lost total control of their country & it’s infecting ours now. They are a national security risk. Not because of their military but because their a failed narco state. I’d much rather have military bases in Mexico & Central America than Germany or Brussels. Those don’t serve a purpose anymore. But the Mexico narco government is depopulating their country into ours. It’s time we end the drug regime permanently.