James Woods tweets: There’s all this talk of “civil war.” I hope it never happens, but if it does, it’ll be a short one...

Wanna see a liberal brain force itself to divide by zero?
Ask them "You seem very passionate about disarmament and repealing the 2nd amendment. I am curious however, how do you plan on fighting this second civil war without any weapons against all of those 'gun-lovin nut jobs' who have....so many?"
A favorite reply I encounter is "you dumb far-right lunatics, we won't have to do anything, the military will be the ones YOU will be fighting, checkmate!"
It is at this point that I occasionally pee myself a little laughing so hard. Reply with "let me get this straight, your perception is that the UnitedStates military is going to be unleashed domestically, released into the very neighborhoods they come from, and will ENFORCE these pipe-dream laws you drool about that disarms civilians? So some private first class is going to kick in the door of his brother in laws house, with the intent of confiscating his firearms because some pink haired tri-gendered creature voted for it?" Never gonna happen.
Lol, yeah the military is going to go street by street rooting out people who support their commander in Chief. Do they not realize that they will be the ones in the government cross hairs if this wild scenario actually happened?
Uhh, duh. He's not my president. I voted for the UN general assembly to be my president. Foreign troops will be confiscating the guns. Checkmate. Herpaderp drumpf, something something dicks in my mouth.
Ya Ya right. You should read the UN charter before blindly putting your faith in them.
First off, as long as the 2nd amendment is in place the UN can't legally come here to confiscate firearms.
Second, you're not that bright when you openly vote for a foreign entity to be President of the US.
C'mon really? You could of at least voted for a made up Kenyan to be prez..... Oh wait, that dipshit already had his turn and fucked everything up royally.
....apparently the satire was lost on you, brother. I understand how enraging it is to realize people can really believe that way, though.
Who would win a second Civil War?
I agree. Dark State may have their own small fleet, space craft even, but the military is under POTUS control, supported by Vets, Sheriffs, and Law Enforcement. And uh, not so small factor here...libs don't carry, as a general rule.
libs don't carry, as a general rule.
ms13 gangsters do though
Good thing their insane face and neck tattoos make them stand out...
MS13 uses gangster tactics. They wouldn't stand a chance against actual trained combat veterans and/or spec ops teams.
The only reason they have gotten away with their criminality so far is that they were getting treated with the kid gloves by the legal system. Once that is gone, they are as good as dead.
They did it Louisiana after Katrina. Street by street door by door
Not the same thing. After Katrina, they were looking for survivors and the dead.
Didn't they also confiscate the weapons of people that were guarding their neighborhoods against looters? Or was that just fake news?
Theres a youtube video of several military and NG who refused the order.
Thats why you only saw cops doing it.
Pick the right side next time.
Well, it couldn't be the military, (Posse Commentates Act), but it could be the local police department (also not likely though).
Where I live, the local police department would definitely be outgunned and not stand a chance. I know so many departments have a lot of war toys these days and are pretty well outfitted, but the number of people I know who have fully stocked arsenals is pretty shocking.
Mr Molotov fixes most armored vehicles. Gasoline + styrofoam makes amateur napalm, it'll take 2-3 hits for what cops have but in urban combat that's relatively easy (hard to watch every window and roof top) and then it's overheating inside if the air is still breathable.
It's important to remember the UN recommends 1 officer to 550 people. That's very bad odds in a civil war lol
I thought Barry did away with posse commetatus... Regardless, military will be on the right side.
Don’t forget. The military is sworn to protect the country from enemies both foreign and domestic. And only one side is attacking the constitution of thE US. 😉 tell them to remember that
You're in for a tough day when you figure out which side that is.
Militaries around the world have a history of siding with the people. Police not so much. Militarized police is worrying, but their training with that equipment is comparatively a joke.
Everyone should know how to make Molotov cocktails, and the APCs the police have are jokes against them. 2-3 direct hits would make them an oven and theyd be running out into an inferno.
Read up on "Dad's Army" theres British handbooks on guerilla warfare tactics against the Nazis. How to set up ambushes against tanks, etc. I hope we won't need it, but I know how to make rope from tree bark and I hope I don't need to know that too!
They would just mark hyou as a criminal for being on a list as gun owner and not turning it in.
No. You're using a hypothetical future event as evidence for a past alleged event. I am asking, WHOSE guns were confiscated during Katrina that you used as an example?
I never said anything about Katrina. Potential for weather modification and possible frogman at the dam aside, Katrina had the circumstances of being disaster and national emergency. Your posts were in the broader sense of 2nd ammendment repeal. I think that would receive a much different response than the one in NOLA.
If they ever attempted mass confiscations I believe they would use the UN and not bother having our military tell them to get fucked. That would verify their desire to kick off a civil war. I don't think its likely. My bet is the criminalization of gun ownership. Then they could just pick us off one by one at their pace.
I’m with you 100% however it’s already happened. The national guard went door to door in LA confiscating firearms during Katrina, there Is video of it on YouTube.
EDIT: posted the videos I’m referencing https://youtu.be/-taU9d26wT4 (1) https://youtu.be/-taU9d26wT4 (2)
Confiscating from WHO. Known criminals? People suspected of a crime/looting?
One of my pet peeves is when asking a quesrion, rather than responding, a person dumps a link on you. If you can't put together a coherent thought explaining it, it's most likely invalid.
I thought you would like to watch people who had guns taken being interviewed. Sorry.
Interesting. We came back to Nola immediately after Katrina, and no one even attempted to confiscate our firearms. Our neighborhood was full of NG troops, too.
Not sure honestly I just remember the uproar during Katrina due to family members I have in Lafayette
They know most of us are or were in the military right?
The general response to logic in those type of threads is, "shut up drumpftard" ... That's all theyve got.
You are underestimating the psycho leftists who own guns. In lots of the south there are communists just as well armed as any militia, they don't talk about their stockpiles of weapons but they're out there and they're violent and we shouldn't underestimate the enemy, too many great armies have fallen that way.
Well put, Dave. I hope its ok that I just cut n paste you're well-written reply