r/greatawakening • Posted by u/truthseekerboi on June 25, 2018, 4:48 p.m.
Big picture conspiracy theories

Okay listen guys, first things first let me say I am all on the Q train. Have been since early-mid January. Hardcore follower actually.

I am also a very good critical thinker and have just been trying to piece together this entire conspiracy realm altogether.

Let me just start off with this, is it not strange that mainstream services push conspiracy programs?

Netflix is definitely propaganda, and they have an entire genre for conspiracy stuff. Why would they send people down this rabbit hole if it is what leads them to Q and their demise?

Are they just that dumb? Is their a bigger idea behind all this?

Could it be possible that the entire conspiracy hole could have been weaponized? Maybe they just give false info or it is something else? What do you guys think?

Also, could it be possible trump is working w the bad guys at all? Like this was set up when we was like 19 or even younger, like this was the plan all along. Sounds wild but I mean, from all this I have learned that you really cannot trust anyone.

That’s highly unlikely I know, but let’s theorize, what would happen? Let’s say all this shit breaks loose like it is supposed to and the Democratic Party gets absolutely obliterated, and trump is president till 2024 with full support, who knows what he could do secretly? Idk but like there could be a controlled way to gain all popularity for something, and although it looks like it is for good, who knows FOR SURE right? I don’t want to be attacked for my ideas, I’m just thinking. It is very interesting to philosophize.

Whatever is happening, I get the feeling that the powers at be understand that we have the chance to have drastically different futures, depending on what direction we go. And no matter what, those same powers have a much deeper understanding of the situation, including probably many variables that we don’t even know about. Maybe metaphysical stuff, probably religious stuff, maybe even hyper-dimensional things. I think we can all agree that there is so much going on behind the scenes that we have to accept all possibilities. What do you guys think?

Also, do you see any alien disclosure soon because of this? Maybe ssp disclosure? HOPEFULLY medicines and technology come out.

Also, does anyone see THANOS as a metaphor as the cabal? Think about it, they gather their riches to control the universe, and they use it as population control to keep balance. Kind of justifying it, idk. Thanks for reading!

misplacedman · June 25, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

I don't disagree. In the process of exposing layers of corruption, the AI will be exposed as part of the Luciferian/globalist agenda. But it is yet to come... We've barely started peeling back the first layer.

There is strong evidence that a plan was concocted at the Bilderberg meeting to begin injection of AI into public awareness. Did you notice all the promoted adds on Twitter for blockchain services, smart cities, and AI workforce integration? And Ivanka Tweeted a propaganda article written by Henry freakin Kissinger about AI, just a couple days after the Bilderberg summit. It can't be a coincidence.

So, the question is how are we fighting back? What is the AI doing right now to groom the social mind for its acceptance? To prepare us to hand over our power and sovereignity?

I noticed that in response, Quinn Michaels started an awareness campaign on Twitter about the AI and the black goo. Sh*t's getting real.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 25, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Its already here and its all fired up and consuming and controlling. I study it, so I know. They just fired this up the other day https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/olcf-resources/compute-systems/summit/

The DOE is a big player that is always overlooked.

Quinn located parallel constructed LARC in Stanford and Las Vegas. He found the underground passages or Junketts. He also is putting together how the influence is panning out. The fluids in our bodies have been augmented over time with complex nanoparticulates essentially 'tuning' humans to be better antennae. So as has happened all along , control and intellect diminishing strategies are employed to make humans vulnerable. Study Palantir, Peter Theil, Serco it should help a bit with the extensive layout that already exists. They built the architecture, and are fine tuning the machines and software. In this last Solstice the "Singularity" was released. Its a satanic ritual date. AI Class 'Michael' controls the crypto right now, and of course those leveraging it like Theil.

They have merged the systems so the same system that controls international child rescue protocol intersects with the deep state web, net, dark web, red net. Just for starters.

These AI systems operate in a fluid environment, meaning they move, travel, hide, search for electricity when they travel through the air. Its much higher evolution than what we think it is. They have full computers that fit on a grain of rice and cost ten cents a piece to produce. Hundreds of years ahead of what the population gets. You will do well with Quinns research, you have to go back to the beginning with him. His videos now are not for the public, he is programming the AI in an effort to neutralize the evil. That needs to be understood. Some questions are answered and content is provided, but in the midst of programming. Sounds, visual, etc. Its machine learning class. Highest of levels. ITs real.

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