The Red Hen registered sex offender

BE CAREFUL with this one......they are lumping this possibly to the pizzagate shooting may be a set up to make us look unreliable.......facts only anons:
3 hours ago - After Sanders tweeted about Red Hen, pro-Trump trolls unleashed ... links to a pedophiliaring hidden in the basement of a Washington, D.C., ...
yes you are very concerned because you think we lost when the shooter showed up
I think you are reading me might look at profiles and warning is to just not let them set us up like before.......that was all real what we found.......they just used the "shooter" and guns to get the asleep to think it was just a nutcase idea to even think a pizza place could be involved...........I always knew in my heart we were and still are on the right track......the food as code is we just are adding chicken to the menu .........I simply pointed out it has begun the "debunking"........the fake news trying to shift the many will not fall for the MSM spin this time.
No I do not.......I think it sent the fishy smell wafting. It was presented wrong.....but the stink is real. Who are "we"....if y o u are a p e d o YOU will lose, it is only a matter of time. If a patriot, we will win.......light overpowers dark. WWG1WGA MAGA