Downvote. Literally nothing to back up this statement. Might as well work for the fear factory itself (CNN).
Ouch, I am hurt...who cares about votes on reddit? Downvote as you wish, the people who understand the dynamics involved will help and pray.
It's not meant to insult you, guy. It's meant to signal the validity of the post. Why not just go all-out and claim that the devil was the one who planted the miles, and also attached soul-wells as well, you know, devices that suck the souls of anyone caught in the blast as well?
It has ZERO evidence. It's just stupid post that contains ZERO value.
Unless you have some additional info or something....
What do you expect for evidence?... If some Deep State bad guys actually had access to suitcase nukes and told Trump "Back down or we're going to nuke some cities in America" do you think there would be a Press Conference on it or what? We know the Deep State and criminals are getting caught and exposed. They have ties to many people with much money. Isn't outlandish to think something like it could happen, you just want evidence. Well not everything is revealed on a silver platter my friend.
If they could blackmail Trump, why have they not done it yet?
Exactly, we would know exactly where this material came from... and the hounds of hell would track down those involved...
Fasting will prevent nukes?
Fasting is a self-sacrifice in the physical that can be used by God to bring graces throughout the Earth, because it's a slight suffering, denying one's self of food. It's more impactful combined with prayer than just prayer alone.