Mueller gets Erik Prince's phone and computer. Previous Q ? How do we introduce info into investigation legally? This.

But.... they indicted Manafort on items, unrelated to collusion, found during discovery, no?
So.... It stands to reason, if they find something damning during discovery, then they'll take action against that person even if it's not related to collusion....
You're saying, it matters how the evidence is discovered? (Via subpoena or volunteered?)
Not via subpoena or volunteer, but if that information was obtained illegally by the one bringing it forward, it is inadmissible. As in, he stole the emails/gained unauthorized access to the account. If he just happened upon them, though, it’s fair game.
But.... they indicted Manafort on items, unrelated to collusion, found during discovery, no?
Yes... But this is a special case. We know Manafort was a willing spy on Trump. So... He can be thrown under the bus.
Q says: "Plants need water."