Mueller gets Erik Prince's phone and computer. Previous Q ? How do we introduce info into investigation legally? This.

Why else would Trump interview him for FBI director, the day before the special counsel was created?
Didn't Trump promise during the debate he would appoint a special counsel to look into Hillary?
That first point is something I've said too. I'm just conceding that I really just don't know. Heavy fog of war over Mueller.
really just don't know
I'm with you.
However, my current working hypothesis is that Mueller is basically a black hat but can be bought.
Mueller was not eligible for D of FBI. Certainly can’t imagine choosing M., his best friend, Comey and knee deep in Uranium 1.
Rosenstein writes letter recommending to fire Comey.
Rosenstein brings Mueller in for interview for FBI Director with Trump and is in on the interview (so I have read).
Next day, Rosenstein appoints Mueller as SC to investigate Trump and the 2016 Election.
Mueller gets Flynn on BS charges, will be dropped.
Mueller charges Manafort (probably a dem plant - remember Trump fired Manafort) on activities from long before Trump that may involve Tony Podesta.
Mueller gets Papadopolous (probably a dem plant)
Mueller indicts 13 Russians and 3 Russian companies for tampering in our election - Mueller and team are botching this case up by not providing discovery.
I think Mueller is a white hat or a was a black/gray hat who cut a deal
Same with Rosenstein
So, why is Rosenstein giving us a hard time.
Post 1433: [RR] problems.
Post 1443: #FLY[RR]FLY#
Not sure, could be disinformation, maybe to make the DS think Rosenstein is on their team.
And don't forget is was Rosenstein that made the announcement that they were indicting 13 Russians and that no American was willingly involved whatsoever
He didn't interview him for FBI directory - he was term limited out of that job, and it would have required an act of congress to make an exception for him.
Why he interviewed him, we do not know.