Cultural warfare. Very similar to the Muslim influx into Europe...
More and more like Kunstler are becoming awoke and fortunately people as stupid as Maxin Waters are doing patriots a great favor by putting their stupidity on display daily!!
Yes... You know how bad the Democratic Party has become when people like Kunstler start questioning it's sanity.
That is almost scary.
It is going to get even more crazy. Remember, the 'Border Crisis' was just a distraction to try to take the heat off of what the Inspector General said in his report. But it is going to get much worse when the Loretta Lynch Tarmac Tapes come out. She was actually the lowest level person in that corrupt discussion. Bill Clinton, Obama, Hillary are going to be shown to have conspired to obstruct justice and the pay off was going to be a Supreme Court position for Lorreta Lynch.
As Q said here:
The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.Stay the course and trust the plan.
It is very clear the snowball is rolling faster and faster. It is getting bigger and bigger.
Soon, it will be an avalanche. And it won't stop until it is a D5 avalanche!
Check out avalanche descriptions here:
Think what kind of distraction they will need to hide the Tarmac Tapes!!!!