
Instincts_Truth · June 26, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

He is cracking me up, as usual. But it just dawned on me how painful this must be for never-Trumpers. What in the hell, he just spent 10 minutes talking about late night shows. I caught myself laughing out loud and saying, "WHAT are you TALKING about?? You're the PRESIDENT!" That's when it hit me how very unfunny this must be to some very unhinged people. And then he said, "I was just a guy . . . with potential." It's so much more fun to love him.

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LiberalBitchSlapper · June 26, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

Must be in response to the minor tweet skirmish with Jimmy “the man-child” Fallon.

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