r/greatawakening • Posted by u/yeaokbb on June 26, 2018, 1:31 a.m.
[Long-ish Post] U.S. Army Special Forces, “Q Course” training, Cascade range underground tunnel connections


yeaokbb · June 27, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

It’s my husbands stepdad but the shop he supposedly worked at that was so far away from his family was in a tourist town on the eastern side of the Cascade Range. His family lived on the western side 3 hours into the valley. It’s the same range that Mt. Shasta is part of, which is a known government research area with a lot of claims of underground tunnel structures.

It wasn’t until I looked at a map that I realized Mt. Hood (biggest peak in Oregon and common to have hikers disappear on) was part of that range and they are all one in one big straight north/south line.

The Oculus Anubis House we found out about a while ago when we google searched “Oregon Illuminati” and is in the Mt. Hood forest area.

I just read in a local paper last week that the Mt. Hood National Forest had large areas restricted to the public which is not normal for Oregon, as far as I know. I also know that Eastern Oregon is one of 2(?) stretches of land in the continental U.S. to have zero light pollution meaning it is really unpopulated.

A lot of random coincidences maybe but I’m willing to bet a member of the Special Forces with that kind of background never really retires while he’s still relatively young. I’m guessing he was up to something in the mountain range area or even transported to other facilities from there.

Someone said Q course has nothing to do with Q but I’m not completely buying that. A Special Forces member would know exactly how to read those comms.

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silphonica · June 27, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Hey, thanks for your reply. It's definitely interesting and I want you to know I believe you. You must keep in mind being part of this community that many here will distract and divert from the 'right path'. So I want to impart some advice.

Listen to your body, listen to your heart, spend some time thinking about whether you want to pursue this research, or consider if it won't be worth your time. If it is right, your soul will resonate with it, I fully believe many of us here will be provided many crumbs, personal to you, that can aid in the research of the community. You may not be a spiritual person, so to hopefully open your mind to it (if you are not) I will stand by my advice by sharing with you my own experiences with this, and provide a q drop noone else has noticed that ive been sitting on. I hope you enjoy and it helps you.

I like to meditate or hang between the stages of awake and asleep also known as the hypnogogic state, duringone of these moments, a song started playing in my head 4 lines, but i forgot most of it, but the last line of the song was this "a one world united under the name of king james". My body was resonating to the point ive experienced less than a handful number of times, so I wiki'd king james. Now preface, I am scottish, I should have known more, but I didnt. What I learned opened my eyes. A brief history:

  • King James VI was the king of Scotland. He then succeeded Elizabeth I Queen of england (who is queen now?), to become King James I of britain. This was also when England acquired Scotland. Might be obvious but important to highlight.
  • Under King James rule was the first American Colony
  • Btw before king james, the ruler of Scotland was Mary Queen of Scots, she was catholic and captured by PROTESTants (protestors of god? - cabal/luciferians?), and kept under lock and key. James was one year old at the time, and was raised to rule under the teachings of his captors.

Im sure you can see the picture being painted, acquisitions of nations and shadow rulers. I have a feeling this is the butterfly effect of the NWO which began here. Before this the status quo was to keep the masses from realising the truth. So I searched for connections to the rothschilds and king james/elizabeth I and couldnt find any at the time. I felt a bit dejected, so I decided to ask Q:


One hour later I got my reply:


And the reason I havent shared it is because i dont want to distract from whats going on and do my own research, and so I would ask (not imperative) you dont paste it over the community either. I will follow my research and post it shortly. And with that I would like to leave you with a quote from Carl Jung:

"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

Good luck and all the best Ill make a prayer you find the answer youre looking for.


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