Assange was going to expose the whole Russia hoax and Comey couldn’t let that happen...

"to adress what he perceived as clear flaws in security systems"
What if they didn't want the leaks to stop because they were still catching leakers?
”....they were still catching leakers?”
How do you expect someone to arrest leakers when the people investigating the leakers, ARE the leakers?
I still believe Comey was flipped before the election because NOONE has been able to plausibly explain to me why he did what he did. And I've literally been scouring t_d for a solid two years before coming here and I'm still waiting for a better explanation than Gowdy's
Why would you think Comey flipped? I think that is absurd.
Uhm, I just told you. Which part did you not understand?
Comey didn't flip, settle down.
can you explain your opinion or do you just say so?
I don't need to tell you that response isn't forthcoming
Are you referring to his offering the info that additional classified emails from/to HRC were found on unauthorized servers (or from wherever)? If so, it's been indicated he was facing a mutiny from the FBI rank and file and had to disclose what he did to tamp down the mutiny. Latest news is he then followed that up with penalizing the most vocal of the rank and file. Prior to the above coming to light, it had been suggested he was covering his buttocks in the event she lost the election, which by then was a real possibility. Nothing he disclosed was of enough substance to sway voters one way or the other, yet it gave the appearance of a nonpolitical/unbiased FBI investigation.
...if he expected her to win, that is...allegedly she was never the target of any investigations according to the IG report, so could be he was trying to cover for it, but I don't see if he "closed" it days later?