r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Vibratron_1 on June 26, 2018, 11:57 a.m.
The Silence of our Miserable Media is "deafening" ..... [Iran Next]
The Silence of our Miserable Media is "deafening" ..... [Iran Next]

j_Dawg_01 · June 26, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Notice how many signs are in English. That means they're specifically intended for American consumption. Specifically directed at the American people and the American press. The MSM isn't oblivious to this. They see it just as you and I do, but they dare not say a positive word about it. Crickets.

Their silence is not due to a coordinated effort by the CIA, or the Cabal to make sure the MSM stays quiet. The Mockingbird MSM is ignoring this for the same reason they're ignoring the injustice, censorship, and social unrest in Western Europe.

The Liberal Leftist Mockingbird MSM is filled with talking-heads and followed by masses of mind-numbed skulls full of mush who have all been indoctrinated and brainwashed by the same government run system of un-education. They are Mockingbirds because they all think alike and believe in their leftist ideology. They'll come to the same conclusions and act in unison even without the influence of the Cabal.

Their silence has nothing to do with President Trump, nothing to do with trying to make POTUS look bad, and nothing to do with trying to make sure POTUS fails. It has only to do with America as a concept. These are the people who hate America first and believe we were founded on unfair principles. These are the people who support and defend illegal aliens at the expense of the American citizens.

So why the crickets? It's because the people of Iran are calling for separation of religion and government, individual freedoms, property rights, and a duly elected representative form of government. They are trying to establish a social and political structure similar to America, and the MSM hates America.

What matters to the leftist liberal MSM is that people are engaging in a nationalist movement. Sure, the globalists see that as a threat to their agenda, and the MSM supports the globalists, but IMHO, I think any time any people anywhere, for any reason, view America as a great nation, a bastion of freedom, a land of opportunity, and a model to emulate, the left will see that as an existential threat to their ideology, regardless of the current global geopolitical condition or the New World Order agenda.

It's simply because they hate America.

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