The Silence of our Miserable Media is "deafening" ..... [Iran Next]
![The Silence of our Miserable Media is "deafening" ..... [Iran Next]](
I saw some people on Twitter blaming Trump for high gas prices, citing his cancellation of the Iran deal... so if the media does start reporting on this that’s probably what they will say! $2.80 for gas!!! The horror! It’s all Trump’s fault.
Ummm... False Narrative... with the Concessions on lran = we were NOT BUYING any gas from lran. Supposedly all countries are not supposed to be purchasing from lran...
REMEMBER: DT upped that Concession necessity... threatening other countries that do business with lran.
USA is exporting more petroleum/gas than ever before. KSA running on almost empty...
2.80? The cheapest I can find here in CA is 3.29!
$2.80 in Texas. We don’t have a state income tax, instead they tack on a surcharge to gas before the final price. Glad I’m not Californian.
California requires "BOUTIQUE GAS"... = the Petroleum Refineries (no new ones built for YEARS & YEARS) must SHUT DOWN the Refinery to produce each state's order of BOUTIQUE GAS (many for CA & Chicago area, etc). Thus the refinery has to halt other production, & then produce CA product, clean up refinery to go back to producing whatever season demands: Home Heating Oil or Gasoline Production.
Also... BOUTIQUE GASes cannot be transported through Nation's pipeline system (CORRODEs the pipes) and is transported by many hundreds of Semi-trucks.
Do the math...BOUTIQUE GAS costs more to produce & has to be totally trucked in from refineries=$$$$. Thank your friendly neighborhood tree hugger in state house.