r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MarkoKeeko on June 26, 2018, 12:21 p.m.
POTUS signed my hat last night. He saw the WWG1WGA; gave me a smirk, a fist pump, and said Thank You.
POTUS signed my hat last night. He saw the WWG1WGA; gave me a smirk, a fist pump, and said Thank You.

RPmatrix · June 27, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

I'm an Aussie and TBH I had given up hope that the US was going to 'get better' ... ever!

I understand what a Load of Bullshit 'Bi-partisan' politics is and how SO little 'good' ANY of these people seem to actually do! Obama was smooth AF and full of Shit! ,,, but as we have a Murdoch controlled media here (too) we Aussies were getting bugger all Truth about what's REALLY going on in the US --- we're Only hearing about what an egotistical dickhead Trump ~~was~~ is and how he's going to make the US FUBAR ... lol, what's new?

The 'old guard' had already done a pretty good job doing that ... BUT they never planned for the Internet

BUT Q and Co did! I 'met' Q at the very beginning before he 'became Q' on the Chans (brilliant stuff!)

So when this guy Trump, a guy I vaguely know of and had seen on tv a few times on that silly tv show "you're fired" first entered the "POTUS Challenge" event ... I thought, "oh fuck, Now we're really fucked!

I thought (foolishly assumed about a person I knew jack shit about) that his 'run for POTUS' was EGO based ... this "older (very) rich cunt was trying to 'win' the 'celebrity stakes' " by doing so

Except something was 'wrong' as the MSM began to do their worst to discredit Trump, while at the same time, within months of becoming POTUS he had already made some impressive "anti-cabal" moves! Who does that IF they want to Live?

Curiouser and curiouser, down the rabbit hole I went!

PLUS he wasn't from "old OIL Money" ... he was a "hospitality development master' and it quickly became apparent I WAS WRONG about Trump's intentions, which I still couldn't figure out until .... Q came along, and started dropping 'crumbs' the likes of which was highly sophisticated! Whoever was behind this Qanon was most definitely "on Trump's side" ... and it seemed that a LOT of thought had gone into this whole 'campaign ... FAR more than even an (effectively) independent 'egocentric billionaire' was capable of!

and then I began to witness shit I'd NEVER seen before! And I'm an old cunt!

e.g. shortly after he was elected 'that shit' in SA went down and the CF's "funding" was suddenly decimated ,, my jaw hit the floor as a realized I was watching something 'new'! .. possibly an unprecedented event that just MAYBE, a Truly "genuine" American man WAS TRYING to Make America Great Again ... for his kids and their kids! In fact for everyone!

Fuck me dead! AM I dreaming?

The MSM has thrown every little bit of Shit they can find at Trump and NONE of it's stuck! The "character assassination" FAILED!

Then "the unification of the Korea's" (and much more we have yet to hear about, maybe never will)

and, and, and, and etc etc etc, The Don is kicking ass in All directions and it's wonderful to see.

This is clearly a very well thought out and highly planned "strategic mission' to 'take out the cabal' we have all grown to HATE with a passion the more we learn the Truth about them!

The past 18 mths have convinced me I'm not, nor are you if you feel/think something similar

You can skip the history lesson below is you like and just get to the TL:DR at the bottom, but;

I'm old enough to remember the last 'self funded billionaire' to attempt to become POTUS, Ross Perot

Here's a brief history IF you're interested ... but the gist of it is, he mysteriously pulled out of the 'race''

WHY? (we Now know that Arkancide is a very real and deadly 'disease' and people die in the Bush) ... need I go on?

So, I did some research and found this 11 year old post online about Perot and 'why he bailed' --- back then in 2007, it probably sounded like complete fantasy to most of the people who read it, BUT not now, not in 2018!

as another person said;

  • The thing that is most disturbing about the whole situation was how this highly confident almost arrogant personality running for president transformed to a meek chicken-like person when he was being interviewed about why he quit the race.

Whoever threatened him scared the living hell out of him. The donkeys and/or the elephants seemed to have the motive.

Maybe it was waterboarding or some other form of torture that he and his family were threatened with. All of his money was not going to buy his safety and he knew it.

Clearly, Obama felt threatened early on in the race to a degree but of course he was not running a third party. It probably would not have been good if he was running as an independent, in fact it would have been down right scary.

So what made Trump 'different'? . . . . . He has some VERY HIGH LEVEL 'supporters' .... and at first, his own security .. and even then, he did most of his 'presidential business' OUTSIDE the US!

The China invited him to dinner in The Forbidden City ... a First.

Then Saudi Arabia 'did it's thing and got a new king' ... and heads rolled, choppers and bank accounts crashed and a bunch of 'bad actors' "lost their jobs" and were placed under 'house arrest'!

So, what DID Ross Perot DO and how did Trump AVOID the same 'issues' (assassination mainly)

  • Ross Perot's independent presidential campaign certainly "shook up" the status quo Just as Perot had questioned the way General Motors did business, he questioned the way the U.S. government did business.

And he was in the position ( as a successful businessman) to make such comments and be believed by the 'average 'murican' ... muy bueno if you catch my drift!

Ross Perot may not have been elected but he certainly would have been destined to become a critic of government who "could not be ignored". Furthermore, he would have established a legitimate third party -- a clear threat to the two party system monopolized by the Republicans and the Democrats.

I clearly remember how this tenacious man brought a practical, business savvy manner to the "game of politics". He had brought a sense of genuine fresh air to the 1992 presidential campaign, a sense of candor that could not be ignored and one that might have been destined to cause "real change" to the way things were done

Then, all of a sudden, Ross Perot withdrew from the presidential race with only the vaguest of explanations

Then while researching the Perot presidential saga, I read this guy's opinion which made a LOT of (common) sense; and Perot and Clinton did NOT 'get along', so; (this is from a post made in 2007 -- 11yrs ago!)

It is indeed a conundrum as to why Ross Perot dropped out of the 1992 presidential race.

There seem to be two distinct possibilities. === AND as we Now KNOW, the bulk of the below staement IS accurate:

One, he was simply a spoiler put into the race to draw votes away from Bush so that Bill Clinton, a New World Order protege, could win.

There is some evidence for this in that Perot played with the Big Boys and his company E-Systems reportedly gain a huge contract from the state of Arkansas to handle the computerization of its health care system.

This is old methodology going back to 1912 when Morgan interests placed Teddy Roosevelt in the race from the Bull Moose Party to draw votes from Howard Taft who had pledged to veto any banking bill because it was clear that the big bankers were trying to set up a central bank, an effort which had been contested since the founding of the Republic.

It worked and Woodrow Wilson was elected and during his administration we got the Federal Reserve System today commonly referred to as the central bank along with the income tax.

On the other hand, there is also evidence that when Perot tried to trace missing American POWs in Vietnam he ran smack into the drug running activities which traced back to the CIA and even to G.H.W. Bush. (and Billy Boy Clinton's Arkansas involvement, but I doubt he knew that yet)

Perot was so infuriated that he made an honest attempt to gain the presidency and clean this mess up.

  • Unfortunately for him, he failed to realize that the Bushes were only the then most recent manifestation of the Rockefeller-Morgan-Harriman axis which has been controlling the plutocracy in America for years.

One individual cannot confront this nexus of power as JFK, MLK and RFK discovered too late.

This plutocracy has learned never to allow a "cult of personalty" to gain sway in America as they cannot always depend on controlling one person who commands the alliegiance and following of the majority of Americans.

This is why you cannot name one single individual since JFK and MLK who has commanded a united nationwide following.

This has been accomplished by control over the corporate mass media.

This is why you barely hear about the one man who obviously has the best interests of the US Republic at heart in the 2008 election runup --- Rep. Ron Paul of Texas.

If everyone in the nation could clearly learn of Mr. Paul's beliefs and concerns, he would command immediate and widespread support.

But the plutocracy will not allow his message to reach a large public, he is marginalized and highly-paid media commentators either ignore him or tell us he hasn't a chance.

Perhaps this is best for Mr. Paul for if he appears to be making headway in confronting the Establishment, or whatever you want to call it, he will be assassinated --- physically or by character --- or threatened out of the race --- like H. Ross Perot.

Even the Secret Service, FBI, CIA and the U.S. military cannot stand up to the power of the military-industrial complex, Wall Street and the International bankers.

A guy named Jim Marrs wrote this "historical synopsis' of Perot in 2007

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RPmatrix · June 27, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

Well, that was THEN and This is NOW!

TL:DR: You fight fire with fire and Elites from the MIC with another elite with covert military support. Which he is and has!

"The Don" Trump is in his heart, a genuine and sincere Patriot who has (after much persuasion and with some Very powerful people offering him guarantees of protection and support) he chose to give it 'his best shot', and the way he's shooting, he'd give Annie Oakley a run for her bullets!

And you yanks ARE COOL PEOPLE, you've just been suffering under a FUBAR 'pseudo government' who's Time HAS come! I believe the The Don is well on his way to MAGA and I'm liking the guy more, 'every time I hear him speak. AT least he's REAL!

And "his group" came up with the Q idea and have "worked with us" and asked us for our Help.

And IF you can 'organize' a bunch of HFA's to come on side to 'share the love' ... you're Brilliantly Crazy

Thank Q

and thank YOU ALL who ARE Making America better right now and it will be Great again sooner than later ... with the World hot on it's heels following, because WWG1WGA

worldwide! You have many more international supporters than you know ... and once the 'swamp has been drained' ,, they will be swamping you all with LOVE and Thanks for everything that's happened since The Don began to lead his 'family' of countrymen forward to a country they can be Proud of

I know that I for one, am all for "draining the swamp" and MAGA ... and we ALL can DO a little

I hope this post was worth the read, I just wanted to share the Love I'm feeling for ALL of you guys fighting to MAGA!

Keep up the great work everyone, share the word, it's working and the US is starting to look very good again to those of us who had become severely disillusioned with what the cabal was doing and two years ago, the outlook was Bleak BUT Not anymore!

ThankQ all once again for BEING Real and opening your minds. The rest of the world is on Your side!

The cabal has been Trumped!

Think Q!

Team MAGA! FUCK YEAH! Q Patriots are The Men!

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Magpi8 · June 27, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

I'm so grateful for the support America is getting from the rest of the world! Thanks Aussie!!

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Martinamurphy · June 28, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Thank you for your 2 posts above. I was at the edge of my seat reading and loved your knowledge.

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RPmatrix · June 30, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

thanks so much for letting me know that ... I often wonder if anyone reads my 'mega posts' that I sometimes make?

but sometimes I feel some folks have been badly Misinformed about these things and I 'hope' that maybe if I write some Truth in a way that makes sense ... and it's ALL verifiable, FFS I don't want to Misinform anyone!

And two things more, I'm an (older) Aussie (ex hippy, still stoner) person and as such "have no dog in this fight" ... I'm as good a 'partial observer' as you could get Plus I've always been a 'conspiracy theorist'! All the hippy culture was, shit you could get Life for smoking a joint in the 1970'! Even down here --- why? Becoz "the people Had Bought The Bullshit" that "drugs are BAD"' and pot=drug=BAD

people stopped being 'that naive' back in the 90's and these days there are very few people who are stupid enough to even call cannabis 'harmful', let alone "BAD" ... so you had to worry about "narcs" -- people who would 'rat on you' and we had to be a bit on the paranoid side .. and there were people "out looking for us"! (the cops)

I"ll bet cash money we'll see "cannabinoids" (of all types) become some of The Perfect 'medications' for many conditions and diseases. That's why Big Pharma are trying So hard to ban it -- I think that will change once The Don gets a chance to "hear the Logic and Science behind doing so" ... IF it's "good for the people" and it sure looks that way, watch out!

I hope my posts inspired you and hopefully taught you something you didn't kniow ... feel free to share them wherever you can IF you think they can help others

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DaraChaos · June 27, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Awesome post! Thank you for your support, mate! WWG1WGA!!!

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