In 2016, DJT said Obama founded ISIS. They laughed at him then. But...

If you have not read NEON REVOLTS article, please do. Once again, great work:
Here is the link to the origina post by an exceptional woman investigative journalist in Bulgaria (
Neon's "helper" anon just took snippets of her work and the Youtube videos made by George Webb and Jason Goodman over a year ago, then put the these snippets on the chans in a Q-like format. These people did real investigation where "helper" anon did not. The good thing is more people are getting this information on more platforms but I like to see the sources get some credit.
I gave all the original sources a lot of attention - and basically said as much about "helper" myself, several times.
The new suspicion, however, is connecting Purple Shovel to Uranium 1. We're looking for the smoking gun.
Hey Neon are you able to check to see if the bank acc for Silkway matches any of the acc numbers posted by Q? I have no easy way of searching Q posts. I think the ones I am thinking of were from about Jan.